Order cocoa package Customer Supplier Ordercocoapackage Financedepartment Finance department Cocoa package order recieved Check payment Did the payment proceed? Payment not recieved Warehousemanagement Warehouse management Is the ordered cocoa package on stock? Pack the order Prepare the delivery detalis Will the customer pick up the package in the store? Package prepared Check the warehouse Send the package Package sent Restock Dispatch 445553, Dominika Krejčí, 02ENGLISH Process summary: When the customer orders cocoa beans, first we check if the payment is ok, than check the ware house if we have the particular beans, if not, we order if from our supplier. When the beans are on stock, we prepare the package and deliver it to the customer (send via post, or the customer picks it up in our shop). No Yes Cocoa package order No Order Goods sent Notification about failed payment Package is ready for pickup notification Package sent notification Yes Yes No Result: 8