486938 Rajivv, Rajivv Group02/English The Private Course Management System (PCMS) is the web base system which helps to organize course/seminar for private lecturer and the organizer. The lecturer registers on the website and choose or offer which course and which date is available. The organizer will manage all the list of the course from the lecturer that reach the minimum requirement to be held. The student will choose which course the student want to attend and has to pay for it. Author will be focusing on the process of payment transaction from the student and transaction process to the lecturer also involving the organizer finance officer to validate some rejected payment. After student chose all the courses that student want to attend the next process goes to payment, student has two option of payment which are manual transaction and online payment by card that directly verified by the bank system. After the student made the transaction there will be the next process which is calculate the total fee of the lecture. The fee payment sends through bank transaction, if there is rejected fee payment, it will be checking by the organizer finance officer. Result: 8