Fakulta informatiky Masarykova univerzita Preparation of recipe materials Homework 1 PV207 - Business Process Management Tadeáš Pavlík (487555), Seminar Group 01CZECH 16. března 2020 1 Brief summary This process is situated after Research & Development with help of chef creates a recipe. It is needed to edit the recipe, add more description to it and create photos for the recipe. In the end all these parts will make it up to materials for recipe. After that recipe will be published if we already have needed ingredients. If not recipe will be stored without publishing and Research & Development will be notified for which recipe materials we are missing ingredients so that the ingredients could be achieved. 1 Preparation of recipe materials Preparationofrecipematerials Editor Editor Perform recipe correction Create description of recipe Created text for recipe System System New recipe prepared Store edited recipe with materials Recipe store Check ingredients availability Ingredients store Ingredients available? Publish recipe Recipe published Recipe materials added Photographer Photographer Get cooked meal by the recipe Take photos of the meal Edit best photos Created photos Chef Research & Development No Yes Recipe Recipematerials Preparedmeal Requestformeal Result: 8