HW02 Perfume specialist Perfumerevision Compositionanalyzer Composition analyzer Definitive failure of device, proposes inspection at Device inspection department Definitive failure of device, proposes inspection at Devicce inspection department Analyze sample Fatal analyzer error Perfumereviewer Perfume reviewer Revision database File revision data Perfume Id recieved Recieve perfume recipe Request perfume recipe Insert to mixer Insert to composition analyzer Compare result with recipe Does result match the recipe? Inspect manually Revision cancelled Or everything looks ok Send revision details Update revision data Update revision data Is there superior officer? Send revision detailsIs authorized for perfume recipe? Measure ingredients Revision database Mixer or Analyzer failure Or smell is not compliant Revision database Notify perfume specialist Escalate to recipe department Probable failure of devices, proposes inspection at Device inspection department Escalates to recipe department (reviewer is probably not authorized for certain secret recipes) Escalate to superior perfume reviewer What happens first? Perfumemixer Perfume mixer Cannot mix ingredients (Error Id) Mix ingredients Fatal mixer error Description of the process The perfume reviewer recieves request for perfume revision from parfume specialist. He then proceeds to file new revision into system. If authorized, he gets recipe from recipe warehouse/department for the perfume, measures his ingredients and inserts them into mixer, then in analyzer (here can occur some device errors, if so, Device inspection department is informed). After that he tries to identify, whats wrong with the perfume (if there was unnoticed probable device malfunction, when mixing/analyzing sample, or if the smell is not compliant, or everything looks ok, or the revision request could be cancelled for some reason (human error)). Then, according to the result, he updates filed revision record and informs his superior officer, or the specialist. Recipe warehouse Device inspection department Yes Add revision record Yes Update Recipe responseRecipe request Update No YesNo Cannot analyze sample (Error Id) This is basically deļ¬nition of event based gateway... I don' understand from where these two messages can come. -1 I suspect this gateway does not have data to make decision. Also, it would feel more complete to model swim-lane of superior perfume reviewer/ Result: 11