DeliveryprocessL2 Customer Packagedelivery Deliveryboy Delivery boy Pickup the package on pickup point Deliver the package Pickuppoint Pickup point Receive the package from the customer Pack the package securely Write documentation for the package Package ready for delivery notification sent Deliveryinformationsystem Delivery information system Delivery information sy Validate that package can be received on the pickup point "Package will not be delivered because we cannot receive it" email Are we able to receive the package? Plan delivery of the package Information about the delivery Package ready for delivery notification received Wait until 12 PM next day No delivery slots available "Package will not be delivered because we cannot plan it" email This is so we have enough time to rescheulde the delivery This is a more detailed process of delivery package. User contacts the company about which pickup point he wants to use to deliver the package, then the delivery boy picks up the package on the pickup point and delivers it. 422625, Tomáš Jadrný, seminar group 02 no Deliveryorder yes Messages should be used for communication between processes -1 DeliveryprocessL2 Delivery boy Deliver the package Pickup point Delivery information system "Thank you with created survey" email "Sorry" email We send refund and apology to the customer Did we deliver the package to the cusomer or we lost it? Create survey of customer satisfaction delivered lostit Result: 11