Ticketing process Customer Servecustomerticket Supportengineer Support engineer Consult knowledge base Does knowledge base contain a solution? Assign ticket to self Compose a new KB article Try to solve the problem 2 hours Engineer should try to identify similar problems in KB and verify that the problem cannot be solved in similar fashion. Ticketingsystem Ticketing system Ticket received Process the ticket Ticket Knowledge base Re-index knowledge base KB Article Link to article sent Developer Developer 1 week Do we want to release official hotfix? Additional info received Try to create a custom workaround Release hotfix Response that the ticket won't be solved sent. Try to solve the problem Is more information required? Unable to create workaround After one week we assume problem either disappeared or customer does not care. Customer Ticket No Yes No Yes No Yes Here is missing message to customer -1 Manual tasks do not add data to the process. These gateways do not have data to direct token. -1 Result: 10 Diagram describes process for handling a bug submitted by a customer. When the ticked is received, system firstly updates required statistics and then notifies support engineers of it. A support engineer tries to solve it and if they are successful responds to the customer. If unsuccessful, they send the ticket to a developer. Developer then communicates with the customer if any more information is needed in order to resolve the issue. When the developer asks for more information and the customer does not respond within one week, the ticket is closed as "won't fix" and the customer is informed. Once the developer reproduced and fixed the issue a decision has to be made whether to release the fix as a hotfix for all customers or just create a workaround for this one customer. This decision is based primarily on the severity of the bug and its probability of affecting more customers. In either case, when it's done, a new KB article is created and sent as a response to the customer. Description