L2 Registration process Registrationprocess User User Search for course Choose course Course wanted No free course Pay Repeat payment? end Payment confirmation Registration done Fill the form Send form Receive registration confirmation Registration denied Courseregistrationsystem Course registration system Evaluate User information Is registration ok? Cancel registration Is verified? Store user to DB Is there any free course? List free courses Register user Stored successfully Users database Accept registration Is wrong form format? Log error Error Verify payment Verification request Verification response Resolve problem 5 min 30 min Error sent Failed Decide if user info is valid for choosed course. (age limit etc.). Or if he fill the form properly (number format etc.). Bank This is a process that shows user registration flow to the online course. User has to choose his course, register and pay. Šimon Mačejovský, 444140 PV207/01CZECH Admin no yes no yes yes no no no no yes yes yes Unnecessary terminate -1 Messages cannot be used within pool. They are used for communication between processes. -1 Missing message flow -1 Missing sequence flow -1 Missing sequence flow Result: 8