HW02 Customer Itemsorder Orderingsystem Ordering system Items order received Process order Order invalid Order denied Assign order to warehouseman Generate receipt Order receipt Send receipt to customer 1 week Review not filled Customer review recieved Send customer satisfaction reveiw Is customer satisfied? Items received and is satisfied Customer contacted by CS Process customer review Items delivered Warehouseman Warehouseman Prepare item for shipping Until all items are prepared Item not in stock Item order sent Generate item order Are all items ready? Items recieved Prepare recieved item Until all recieved items are prepared Ship items to customer Warehouse ordering system Customer supportDelivery service Items order No Order denial notification Request to contact the customer Filled customer satisfaction review Item order Items Yes Items Receipt Yes No Deliveryconfirmation Customer satisfaction review Result: 12 UČO: 445263 Name: Adam Laurencik Group: ENGLISH/02 Description: Process is dealing with the items order from the customer. First it processes the order and if there are some problems, throws error and denies the order. Otherwise the receipt is generated and the items are being prepared for shipping. If there are any items out of stock, they are ordered and process continues after they are received. The process waits for the items to be delivered (general shipping time) and sends to customer a satisfaction review. Customer has one week to fill the review, if it is filled within the time span, it is processed and if he/she is not satisfied, customer support is notified to contact the customer and resolve the issues.