New license process DynaSoft TechnicalSupport Technical Support Get necessary information about the request Asset management DB Is the request justified? Check the asset DB for license Viable license found? Assign found license to requestor Send license to requestor Request successfully solved mail sent Revoke ticket Revokation mail sent Train user for new software Send documentation, provide one to one training session or internal video tutorials. User, project name, target hardware and additional requirements on the software. Development Development New software requested FinancesDepartment Finances Department Review economic impact Can we afford it? Find best offer Make order Approval mail sent Best offer Revokation mail sent Information request sent 1 day Information received Call the vendor Cannot acquire mail sent No offers Advise to find alternative Software Vendor Adam Vaňko 445310 - PV207/01 - CZ group - This diagram represents process of the employee requesting a new software/lincense in the SW development company. First the technical support checks for licenses in the asset management DB and if no viable licenses are found then the finance department is involved. They check if they can afford it and either revoke the request or order it from the vendor. HW02 addition: User gets training as well as the license. We handle state when no offers for given software are found. We require additional information before making an order (via email and if there is no response in 1 day, then we call the vendor). Support terms, SLAs, discounts. Yes Yes No No Yes Change license ownerAvailable licenses No Questions Order details Order confirmationRequired information Missing message flow -1 Why there is swim-lane development when there is no task in it? -1 Result: 10