445403 Kristián Katanik, group 01/CZECH Customer wants to order some electronics, he chooses payment method, when paying with card, we are getting payment information and then checking that payment and at successful payment we are creating payment details, at unsuccessful, we are stoping process. Then we are creating Invoice which is sent to customer email, after receiving order we are preparing order, if we do not have good in stock, we are getting in from one of the shop, then packing and then giving it to our delivery service to deliver to the customer. We are guaranteeing delivery time, so if we can not guarantee it, we are informing about delay. 445403 Kristian Katanik, skupina 01 Customer Electronics eshop Orderingsystem Ordering system Electronics order received Payment method? Generate invoice Was it succesful payment? Create payment details Payment details Payments archive Invoice Invoice archive Verify payment Send invoice to customer email Number of card, validity, name of the holder.. Collect payment details Timer in order to protect sensitive information about customer 3 minutes Inform user about cancelation Packingservice Packing service Take the goods from stock Pack order Transfer good to stock Not in stock Prepare order Deliveryservice Delivery service Order sentDeliver order Late delivery Inform about delay Customer informed We are guaranteeing delivery time, so we need to inform about delays Bank OrderInvoice details Payingbycard No Information about delay Yes Paying in cash Payment detailsElectronics order Verification request Verification response Cancelation details Result: 12