Drone renting Dronerentingsystem System System Drone order received Process order Verify payment Update order details Update order details Send notification Generate access code exactly 8 digit code Transaction verified? Access code Order archive Update order details SMS with access code sent Transaction disapproved Delivery Delivery Check drone Fix found issues Pack drone Deliver drone to box Check drone fuctionality and the battery Drone is not ok Payment Gateway Matúš Raček 445411 ENG seminar group Customer Customer Desire for drone Order drone 1 day Pick up drone Order completedRegret drone order more SMS received e-mail about failed payment received Try another card Customer can order a drone for a flexible time. When the system receives the order, It automatically verifies the payment. If is there any problem the system close the order and notify the customer about the issue by e-mail. Otherwise, the system generates an 8 digit long access code and send it to a delivery boy with the other order details. A delivery boy checks the condition of a particular drone and if it is needed also fixes all related problems. Then he packs the drone into the transport box and delivers the box to the customer selected box in the city. He locks it with the code and goes back to the office after that the system updates order status and send SMS to the customer that the drone is ready. YesNo Request for verification Verification response e-mail Drone order SMSIt's little bit unrealistic that it can end only with successful order :) Result: 12