L2 hiring new employeesHiringnewemloyees Lawdepartment Law department Prepare employee contract Employment contract Workingdepartment Working department New employee needed Request new employee Give training Candidate employed Training in the department, if done, head confirms in the system HRdepartment HR department Evaluate CV Find suitable candidates Answear received 1 week Invitation confirmed? Delete candidate Make an interview Is Candidate suitbale? Sign contract Document archive Is candidate qualified enough? Add to potential candidates Potential candidates Candidate not chosen Contract denied Process is canceled with the candidate and goes back to find new suitable candidate Parameters of candidate Add to unwanted candidates Invitation for interview sent Unwanted candidates Recruitment agency Candidate Process represents hiring new employee. If on some department requirement for new employee occurs, HR department with assistance of external recruitment agency finds some candidates, their CVs are evaluated and suitable one is invited for an interview. If he confirms the invitation, he is interviewed and if is successful, contract is signed and department which needed this employee trains him. No Yes Yes YesNo No Requestforcandidates Answear to invitation Invitation for interview Listofcandidates Result: 12