Homework 2 Taxiapplication ApplicationSW Application SW Application SW Review the request Request not OK Ride request recieved Ride canceled Assign driver to ride Send car information Ride canceled Send info about driver arriving Customer got in message recieved 10 min Resolve unsuccessful ride Ride unsuccessful Generate receipt Reciept Send reciept Contact nearby driver 5 min Send ride evaluation form 3 days Ride finished without evaluation Evaluation form recieved Process evaluation Ride finished with evaluation Until driver accepts Subprocess also deals with fine for customer Driver Driver Driver Review ride info Drive to pickup location Drive to specified location Confirms arrival to location Customer Student: Marek JanĨo, 445535 Group: ENGLISH/02 Description: Process of ordering taxi via Taxi application. If customer needs a ride to some specified location, he can simply use the application and order a taxi. At first application review the ride request and then try to find a driver for customer. Driver found, drives to the pickup spot and customer gets in. Driver drives to a specified location and customer get out. Application sends receipt to customer and ask him to evaluate the ride experience. Reason for cancellation Arrival info Ride informationCustomer got in messageReason for cancellationRide request Car information Filled evaluation formEvaluation formReceipt This parallelism is not need, message events occurs immediately. Result: 12