L2 adjust car park Car lease vendor AdjustCarParkCapacity CarParkSystem Car Park System 10 minute Intervals Verify Capacities sufficiency Is there lack of cars? Check for Unused cars Find available vendor Car vendors database Demanded car capacity Were vendors found? Report Critical Event For each vendor Request lease from vendors Were all leases successfull? Add new cars to car park car park capacity adjusted Leased cars database Evaluate missing demanded cars count Count how many cars are still missing due to failed lease requests Are there unused cars ? No change has been made Cancel unused leases For each unused car Update leased cars Capacity adjusted Leased cars database Send Capacity Warning Request failed or Response timeout ReservationSystem Reservation System Evaluate Demand Find out how many clients are waiting for reservation and how many customers there will be according to apst data. Then adjust planned cars number to it. Monitoring System Martin Palic - 445548 Diagram represents process of automatic adjustment of car capacity in situiations when demand is high or low. In this cases system should automatically contact available lease vendors and obtain new cars or cancel lease if cars are not used enough Yes No Issue Information No Car lease request Yes No Yes Car lease confirmation Lease cancelation failed or was not confirmed Yes Vendor request failure Vendor request failure No Missing requirement: not enough intermediate events -1 This parallelism is not need. Send message events occur immediately. Result: 11