HW2 Customer/Trainee Companyprovidestrainings Coach Coach Prepare materials for new trainee Train the trainees Not enough materials Buy needed materials work & study books, etc. materials available? Return Payment to Trainee Inform Trainee about cancelation Customer&Financialdpt. Customer & Financial dpt. Training order received Payment verified? Type of training Provide access to training Provide event info Training active Training process Take the test pass? Certification Printed certificate waterproof ink Verify payment Canceled order Collection of payment info Timer for token which will be valid only for 5 min 5 min credit card attributes time limit for test Inform Trainee 90 min Bank Proces popisuje objednávku školenia u školiacej firmy. Zákazník si objedná školenie, po úspešnej verifikácii platby sa podľa druhu školenia postupuje ďalej. Ak je školenie online, tak študent obdrží prístupové údaje ku kurzu, ktorý je uložený na stránkach školiacej firmy. Ak ide o kontaktné školenie, info o novom študentovi obdrží aj školiaci. Školenie prebehne, nasleduje test. Pokiaľ študent úspešne zvládne test, obdrží kvalitne vytlačený certifikát a tiež gratulačný e-mail o úspešnom absolvovaní. Katarína Palubová, 445585, CZECH Seminar group Verifypayment Verificationresponse OnlineContact Yes Yes Trainingorder Paymentinfo Congratulationmessage No e-mailwitheventinfo email with access info yes no Email with info about unsuccessful test No emailwithinfoaboutcancelation Email with apology and info about training cancelation Result: 12