PV207 HW 2 Clotheseshop Stock-keeper Stock-keeper Check total price of order Total price? Add coupon with 5% discount for next purchase Pack clothes Clothes sent Submit order to external delivery Add coupon with 10% discount for next purchase Inform customer about delay Customer informed In order to deliver clothes in 3 days, we need to prepare them in 16 hours Acknowledge cancellation Order cancelled Return clothes and cancel order Prepare clothes 16 hours Orderingsystem Ordering system Order DB Verify transaction Payment requested Transaction verified? Transaction success Receive verification response of card transaction Send verification request of card transaction Order received Generate invoice Printed invoice Inform customer about failed transaction Transaction failed Try again received 10 minutes Bank Customer Process display how customer orders clothes from eshop. When the transaction fails, the customer can try again. If the transaction is successful we start preparing clothes. Only while preparing clothes customer can cancel the order. We have a special offer - you can get discount for your next purchase, if the total price of order is higher than 50€ you get 5% discount. If it is higher than 100€ you get 10% discount. Verification response ClothesCancel akcnowledged Clothes order Delivery delay Yes No Cancellation received Less than 50€ More than 50€ and less than 100€ Failed transaction Verification request Try again response More than 100€ This will not terminate the whole process. -1 Result: 11