HW02_445720_HamernikAutonomousCarReservation AutonomousCar Autonomous Car Add to planned rides Rides store SuberSystem Suber System Car reservation received Verify free slot in reserved time No free slot Find free slots near the requested time No free slot Near means +- 30 minutes No free slots message sent Different slot offering sent 5 minutes Slot selected? Different slot response received Reservation cancelled Slots expiration sent Lock time slots Unlock time slots Transaction sent Unlock other time slots Lock time slot 5 minutes Transaction result received Approaved? Transaction denied sent Unlock time slot Reservation failed Create reservation Generate bill Transaction store Reservation store Generate confirmation email Confirmation email sent Confirmation Email Those not selected by the customer Customer Bank Decription: Customer orders a ride on specific time. Our reservation system verifies if there is free spot. If not, it tries to find and offer other available time slots. Those time slots are locked so no other customer can take them. After time slot is selected, trasantion is verified with the bank and reservation is created. Bill is generated and ride added to the autonomous car planning system. After that confirmation email is generated and sent to the customer. No Yes No Ride Bill Reservation Yes Result:12