Subject:​ PV207 Business Process Management Homework name: ​Homework 2 - Hospital emergency Name: ​Peter Žiška Seminar Group: ​02 ENGLISH UČO: ​487569 Process description: At first nurse admits the patient and send him to a doctor.The doctor takes patient’s medical history and examine him. After examination doctor can detect cardiovascular system failure, doctor notifies ARO to help him cure patient, meanwhile he starts resuscitation. Resuscitation can end after 1 hour, then patient is dead and doctor notifies ARO that they are not needed anymore and he fill in death certificate of patient (patient is dead). If resuscitation helps to stabilize patient, doctor stops the resuscitation and send patient to the hospital. If resuscitation has not ended and ARO comes to rescue patient, doctor releases patient to ARO. If the cardiovascular system failure is not detected doctor decide if the patient is seriously injured, then he admits him to a hospital. If the patient is not seriously injured he can prescript him medicine, prescript him internal intervention in emergency room by a nurse, send him to specialized examination like neuro surgery or clean his wound if patient has external wound, then the doctor releases the patient. ARO -> Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care. Two processes in a subprocess (probably it should be terminating boundary event) -1 Result: 11