PV207 BUSINESS PROCESS MANAGEMENT FI MUNI spring 2020 30.3.2020 Dávid Kakiš, 487572 PV207/01CZECH Brief summary Process in this document demonstrates situation when customer, in our fictious hotel, decides to place an order from a bar with room delivery. In that case two roles will work with the system. 1. On the bartender side, its mandatory to handle stocks needed for beverage. Stocks availability can sometimes result in error state, in that case there is possibility to replace stocks with others without quality decrement. Also, some unexpected situation can happen while preparing beverage, so we need a tool for broadcasting delay. 2. On the waiter side, system should be able to handle immediate payments as well as increase of customer's final bill and also bonuses based on type of beverage will be given. Beverage delivery Customer Beveragedelivery bartender bartender Prepare drink After 15 minutes Inform about delay Inform about cancellation Record missing stocks Order cancelled Check stocks Stocks not available Check for alternatives Alternatives avaiiable? After 5 minutes Cancel order waiter waiter Add additional strawberies Order received Check payment type Immediate payment? Generate bill Bill storage Printed bill Check beverage type Verify possible bonus Pack beverage Beverage delivered Increase final bill Printed on marketing paper Read rule n. 289/2008 for format required Yes No Yes No Beverage Beverage order Yes No Delay information Cancellation information Champagne? Result: 12