Faculty of informatics Masaryk university New warehouse lease Homework 2 PV207 - Business Process Management Dušan Litvík (487581) March 28, 2020 seminar group PV207/01CZECH 1 Brief summary Management of the company decides to expand by creating a new warehouse. The responsible department for a lease of new warehouse is the Operation Department. The first step is to find a suitable location, using the external service. The obtained tip for location is the entry for project manager who is trying to find a building/existing warehouse. If the search is not successful, they start to look in another location. After finding a suitable building, the proprietor is contacted about lease conditions negotiation. If conditions are accepted by project manager, he is requesting confirmation from the head of the Operations Department. In case of confirmation, the head of department signs the contract and the project manager can continue with the steps leading to the opening of the warehouse. 1 L2 New warehouse lease OperationsDepartment ProjectManager Project Manager Suitable building found? Are conditions acceptable? Request confirmation Lease conditions negotiation Prepare warehouse to operate Start to operate warehouse operating Hire employees prepare warehouse's minimal necessary background to start operate Search a proper building search with internal and external resources a proper building in agreement with company strategy Headofoperations Head of operations new warehouse lease requested Confirm building lease Lease confirmed? Sign contract Documents archive contract proposal building spec new warehouse operation terminated Prepare request parameters Location proposed? Update request parameters request send location proposal received confirmation send to managementcontract denied management informed Management Localization service Human Resources Department yes yes no yes yes no no conditions not suitable other reason. operation terminated. building not suitable request to hire employees state ireport This parallelism is not needed, message events occur immediately. The layout of the process does not support readability (especially ways how sequence flows overlap). Result: 12