Chilli based goods delivery Chillibasedgoodsdelivery Kitchen Kitchen Make unavailable product Put goods back to the warehouse while all unavailable product are not ready Confirm cancellation Warehouse Warehouse Add paper with caution Is product in order dangerous? Pack goodsCollect good for delivery Order received Accept order Bill 1 day while all ordered items not ready Include discount coupon Cancel received Delivery Delivery Deliver package Order delivered Receive the payment Payment not received Inform customer Request the payment Customer Yes No Late delivery Process represents delivering products ordered by the customer. Order is accepted first by personnel, then items from order are collected in the warehouse. Sometimes happens that a product is not available and then these products are made in the kitchen. In case that products are unavailable, then customer is informed and discount coupon is included into the order. Goods are packed and sent to the customer which pays upon the delivery by cash. If cash payment is not received from the customer, delivery is cancelled and goods from order are put back to the warehouse. 487587, Jakub Kulich, sem. group PV207/02ENGLISH These boundary should be probably interrupting, right now they are multiplying tokens -1 Missing name for boundary event -1 Result: 10