PV207 - Homework 2 Author Filip Mik, 487593 Seminar group 02 English Process description We are a company producing chilli based products. This process focuses on the part of tasting and bottling of the sauces. In order for the sauce to be bottled, it needs to be approved by our taster. As the customer's company can request custom bottles, there bottles must be in stock, once the bottling should take place. If they're not, the supplier must be contacted with a new order. Only when the custom bottles and caps are delivered, the bottling can start again. Chilli sauce bottling Chillibasedsaucepacking Taster Taster Sauce cooked Does the sauce taste as desired? Write complain report Approve the sauce Request new sauce Tasting failure report Send new sauce request Taste the sauce Describe what was wrong with the flavour (too much/little spicy) Bottlingfacility Bottling facility Start bottling process Is custom bottle requested? Setup custom bottling Do bottling Are there damaged bottles? Discard damaged bottles Send bottles to warehouse Check needed stuff Check bottles Check caps Enough bottles? Enough caps? Order missing stuff Send missing stuff order Missing stuff delivered 1 day Check order status Order shipped?Send reminder Write reminder to supplier Use company's email with added order number Kitchen Warehouse Supplier No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No This parallelism is not need. Message events occur immediately. Missing task type -1 Result: 11