Parfume Factory - Stock Resource Control Stock_Resource_Control System System Start Resource Control Starts every morning Urgent order needed Urgent ingredients to order Get urgent order Urgent orders storage 8 hours Call Provide_ Order Foreach ingredient in order Ingredients DB Orders Check quantity, create ingredients orders Call Provide_Order Foreach ingredient in order No urgent order that day Foreach ingredient in stock Rescource Control Finished Stock Ingredients dispatcher Provide_Order(Subprocess) System System Start Ingredient order Ingredi ent- order Is urgent? 1 hour Send order request Request refused Request accepted Get primary supplier Ingredient suppliers Increment refusal count Refusal count > 3? Get another supplier Supplier Refusal count Order completed StockManager Stock Manager Increase offered price for urgent order Set scheduled date to ASAP Provide order manually If request not successful, send to another supplier Suppliers Yes RefusalOrder request Acceptance Urgent ingredients order created No Jan Duda (500341) PV207/02ENGLISH There is a process Stock_Resource_Control, which checks every single morning resource of stock for parfume factory. It goes through all ingredients. For each ingredient it gets its the current ammount and calculates required ammount for next days. If necessary, it creates an ingredient-order. In sporadic cases Ingredients dispatcher could create one urgent order during the day. Each ingredient-order is provided by subprocess Provide_Order. For urgent order it raises the offered price for supplier. Then it sends offer to supplier. If supllier doesn't accept the order, order is sent to another supplier or is escalated to Stock Manager. Here is missing annotation that it is Activity call and not embedded subprocess. -1 Here are missing messages to Suppliers (expanded/collapsed view should be consistent) It would be better to have one of subprocess expanded instead of modelling it as separate process. Missing description of flow (Yes/No) Result: 11