Dictionary Set is a series of reps of an exercise done in sequence (usually without rest). Repetition (rep) is one completion of an exercise, such as one deadlift, one bench press, etc. Description of the “Training” business process “Training” business process describes how a single training at SmartGym after successful online registration and getting work out plan in the mobile application from a personal trainer. If you worked out, you know that sometimes it’s hard to keep track of times of repetitions that you need to do on specific exercise equipment. Taking notes after every set* to keep track of your results and to go along with the workout plan takes your precious training time and makes you distract. Therefore, SmartGym uses “Smartener” – device that keeps track of your exercising along with mobile application. Smartener (a lane in the “Tracking system” pool) is installed on every exercise equipment, so it could count repetitions of a bodybuilder and notify when the needed repetitions are reached by sending the signal to the bodybuilder’s smartphone. A Smartener devise has two types of wireless technology: - NFC (Near Field Communication) – for pairing a smartphone with a Smartener device; - Bluetooth – for fetching the data that is monitored during one set. Smartener device has an RGB LED that can be green, yellow or red. In the idle state, it is green. When a client wants to connect his phone with a Smartener, he presses a button on a Smartener and the green light slowly flicker. It shows that the device is waiting for pairing with a smartphone. In case if the client will not pair his phone for one minute after pressing the button, the RGB LED turns red for 3 seconds with accompanying sound and after that, the state becomes idle. In case of successful pairing, the light of the RGB LED becomes yellow that means that Smartener monitoring the exercise (number of repetitions and time). When the client is done with the set, he presses the button on a Smartener and the data is transmitted through Bluetooth to the mobile application where work out statistics are kept. ngsystem Mobileapplication Mobile application Generate pushup notification about finishing the set The user is notified that he has reached the needed repetitions Save completed set Work out statistics Was it the last set in the work out plan?Receive a signal representing successful pairing Send notification with proposition of manual entering the reps Send notification that the phone was paired with the Smartener Recieve the number of completed reps Send notification about finishing the plan Send notification with proposition the next exercise Smartener Smartener The button for synchronization was pressed Monitor speed of exercising and number of reps Until the client stopped the set by pressing the button on the Smartener device 1 minute Needed number of repetitions is reached "Waiting for synchronization is over" RGB LED turns red with appropriate sound The phone was paired via NFC The NFS signal is gotten from a phone Connection lost Client Client Open work out plan in mobile application Connect with a Smartener of the next work out equipment Complete the set Notification with number of completed repetitions is received Proposition to enter completed repetitions is received Enter the number of repetitions Are there any exercises left? Ask questions Receive the consultation Is there a need of personal consultation with a trainer? Get the notification that the smartphone was paired with a Smartener Receive notification regarding next exercises"Waiting for synchronization is over" The workout plan is fulfilled and training is over TrainerYes No No Yes No Yes Training Gateway does not have data to evaluate this -1 Related signals are not part of this model. It would be probable easier to model client as blackbox. Result: 11