Wooders wedding booking process (L2) Customer Customer Send an email asking about the price and the date Read email from the wedding band Interested in the offer? Reply back to the band Get offended and never reply Is the customer a polite person? Is the band available for the date? Customer would like Wooders the wedding band to play at their wedding Forget about Wooders the wedding band Booking done (customer side) Reply received 1 week Confirmation received 2 weeks Weddingband WoodersEmail Wooders Email Read email Are there additional questions? Send an email with answers about the price, the date and the rest Read the response Customer interested? New email in the inbox Send a refusing email with an apology Include answers to the questions 2 weeks Response received It is totally fine if only one of the band reads the email Send confirmation of the booking to the customer Booking done (band side) WoodersCalendar Wooders Calendar Non-binding book date for 2 weeks Binding book the date in the calendar Wooders Google calendar Cancel nonbinding booking in the calendar Booking unsucessfully over Date not available The one read the email continues with the booking No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No Yes No From where data-based gateway can know if person is polite or not? -1 Result: 11