PV211 Introduction to Information Retrieval
Term project 29. 4. 2020
Until 2020-04-29, 12:00 Central European Time (CET), your tasks awarded up to 28pts will be the following:
- Individually implement a ranked retrieval system for Cranfield collection.
- Document your code and stick to an organized, consistent, human-readable coding style.
- Reach at least 35% mean average precision.
- Upload a link to your Google Colaboratory document to the homework vault (links are below) in IS MU.
For detailed instructions and an example solution, see the Google Colaboratory document .
You can get up to extra 50/20/10/9/8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1 point(s) for the 1st/2nd/3rd/4th/.../12th place in the leaderboard on 2020-04-29, 12:00 CET.
Between 2020-04-29, 12:00 CET and 2020-05-06 2020-05-08, 23:59 CET, your task awarded up to 3 × 4 = 12pts will be to review the term projects of three of your colleagues. One point will be awarded for handing in a review of your colleague’s term project. Three points will be awarded for reviewing the completion of tasks 1, 2, and 3 in your colleague’s term project.
Homework vaults
Term project (seminar group 1)
Your tasks awarded up to 28 pts will be the following: 1. Implement a ranked retrieval system for Cranfield collection. 2. Document your code and stick to a consistent coding style. 3. Reach at least 35% mean average precision. 4. Upload a link to your Google Colaboratory document to the homework vault in IS MU. For detailed instructions and an example solution, see the Google Colaboratory document linked from the interactive course syllabus in IS MU.
Term project (seminar group 2)
Your tasks awarded up to 28 pts will be the following: 1. Implement a ranked retrieval system for Cranfield collection. 2. Document your code and stick to a consistent coding style. 3. Reach at least 35% mean average precision. 4. Upload a link to your Google Colaboratory document to the homework vault in IS MU. For detailed instructions and an example solution, see the Google Colaboratory document linked from the interactive course syllabus in IS MU.
Term project (seminar group 3)
Your tasks awarded up to 28 pts will be the following: 1. Implement a ranked retrieval system for Cranfield collection. 2. Document your code and stick to a consistent coding style. 3. Reach at least 35% mean average precision. 4. Upload a link to your Google Colaboratory document to the homework vault in IS MU. For detailed instructions and an example solution, see the Google Colaboratory document linked from the interactive course syllabus in IS MU.
Term project (seminar group 4)
Your tasks awarded up to 28 pts will be the following: 1. Implement a ranked retrieval system for Cranfield collection. 2. Document your code and stick to a consistent coding style. 3. Reach at least 35% mean average precision. 4. Upload a link to your Google Colaboratory document to the homework vault in IS MU. For detailed instructions and an example solution, see the Google Colaboratory document linked from the interactive course syllabus in IS MU.
Vzájemné hodnocení
Vzájemné hodnocení, sběr souborů.
Vzájemné hodnocení
Vzájemné hodnocení, sběr souborů.