CI & CD Nebuď otrokem buildování aplikací Lukáš SztefekMatěj Kašpar Jirásek Continuous Integration Průběžná integrace je souhrnem různých vývojářských nástrojů a metod k urychlení vývoje softwaru a spolupráce týmů. Continuous Integration Development VCS Server Analysis Compile Tests Build Continuous Integration Development Objective C Java Swift Kotlin Cordova React Native Xamarin Flutter Continuous Integration Version Control System GitSubversion Mercurial CVS Continuous Integration Server Travis CI JenkinsCircle CI Gitlab CI TeamCity Bitrise Continuous Integration Analysis Android Lint ktlint Danger detekt SwiftFormat Clang Analyzer SwiftLint Continuous Integration Compile Gradle Maven xcodebuild CocoaPods Swift PM Carthage Continuous Integration Tests Unit Instrumented Spoon XCTest Espresso, Robolectric Continuous Delivery Průběžné doručení? is a software engineering approach in which teams produce software in short cycles, ensuring that the software can be reliably released at any time. Continuous Delivery Development VCS Server Analysis Compile Tests Google Play App Store Continuous Delivery App Center Crashlytics Beta Release buildDebug build Google Play TestFlight App Store Continuous Delivery Google Play Source code PasswordKeystore + + = Google Play Continuous Delivery App Store Source code Distribution
 certificate + + Provisioning
 profile + Application
 loader = App
 Store Fastlane • Scan • Gym • Snapshot • Deliver • Cert • Sigh • Produce • Match Demo Q? Díky! Autoři prezentace: Radim Vaculík, Petr Zvoníček