PV258 Software Requirements Engineering

Week 2 - Software Requirements Types & Business Requirements

This week we start look at requirements elicitation phase, that is the collection of requirements for a specific project. We look initially about all the different types of requirements there can be in a project.
We look in particular at the importance of business requirements as they are at the top of the hierarchy of all requirements: how these can be modelled (by means of context diagram, eco-system map, feature tree or events list). Independently for the methodology of development, business requirements should always be specified at the beginning of a software project.

The main standard to follow for requirements engineering is IEEE 29148 "Systems and software engineering - Life cycle processes - Requirements Engineering" that replaced the old standard IEEE830. We see how the standard is structured and how it can be applied to software projects.




Video about ending the discussion about business requirements (sorry, in this video I was still experimenting after fixing some issues with the mic, the source was set to windowed instead of full screen so you do not see the slides, but the discussion starts from slide nr.11, where we stopped the lecture)

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Video about IEEE Standard 29148-2011 which represents all that has to be in a requirements specification: distinguishing between Stakeholders Specifications, System Requirements Specification, and Software Requirements Specifications.

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