Academic Communication Skills in English (DACSE) Spring Term 2021 DACSE 2021 •course instructor • •course administration • •course introduction • •LIBOR ŠTĚPÁNEK ( • •Masaryk University Language Centre (CJV MU) Komenského nám 2 • • •Education: •MA in English • (MA in History & PhD in Political Science) • •Specialization and Research: •Academic Skills in English •Academic Public Speaking •Academic Writing Obrázek1 course objectives •After completing this course you will be able to: • •communicate effectively within the international academic community setting; • •be a successful participant of an international conference/meeting; • • recognize various organizational patterns found in academic speaking; • •adjust communication to different tasks; • •write short formal academic texts. • • course organisation • 4 block sessions •Monday 22 March 9:30-13:15 (synchronously) Zoom •Tuesday 23 March 9:30-13:15 (synchronously) Zoom •Monday 19 April 9:30-13:15 (synchronously) Zoom •Tuesday 20 April 9:30-13:15 (synchronously) Zoom • •theoretical input combined with diverse practical activities based on individual needs • materials •IS study materials •synchronous classes •IS (or other) discussion forum •collaborative activities • • • • requirements •Active participation in: • •presentations / talks / teaching sessions giving •synchronous (Zoom) discussions •online asynchronous discussions •writing assignments • introduction • introduction •peer2peer → class • • Charles_Babbage_1860 alan-turing steve_jobs bill-gates 220px-Ada_Lovelace betty_snyder_1 Sammett-Elaine-Jean FrancisAllen AnitaBorg shafigoldwasser shannon moorslaw bacus gracehopper1 Blaise_pascal priorities •1.small talk – starting a conversation •2.small talk – finishing a conversation •3.small talk – cultural differences •4.small talk – turn taking •5.after-presentation discussion •6.conference presentation giving •7.panel discussion – presentations •8.panel discussion – chairing •9.panel discussion – turn taking •10.conference slot chairing •11.toast giving •12.lecturing •13.interactive seminar giving •14. academic talk •15.peer-to-peer communication • •16. authoritative communication •17. “one of the crowd” communication •18.individual-audience communication •19.adjusting language to your audience •20.instructions giving •21.abstract writing •22.biography writing •23.academic writing style •24.informal emails/letters •25.formal emails/letters •26. interview •27. feedback giving •28. feedback accepting •29. in-front-of-the-camera communication •30. other preference •