Distributed Systems and Middleware


Exam is filled online in IS as ROPOT test. You have 60 minutes to finish the test.

The test will comprise of 3 free-text questions (for 1pt each) and 6 questions with 4 choices where exactly one is correct (0.5pt for the correct one, -0.5pt for the wrong one). Possible negative overall result will be rounded up to zero.

You are eligible to repeat the test as stated by study rules (and enforced by IS). Always, only the points from the last attempt are considered even if worse than the previous try.

You must enroll for the test in the "Examinations" study agenda in order to participate.

Topics for the questions

  • network communication
  • remote procedure call/remote method invocation
  • messaging middleware (JMS)
  • component-based middleware
  • web-services
  • cloud technology and BigData middleware

Demo exam

Exam for checking the ROPOT service in IS with fake questions.
You can try to fill the test for testing purposes, no real points will be assigned.
