PA193 - Semminar on concurrency Miroslav Jaroš 6th April 2021 Miroslav Jaroš PA193 - Semminar on concurrency 6th April 2021 1 / 19 Quick quiz What is concurrency? Thread x Process difference Who provides threads? Miroslav Jaroš PA193 - Semminar on concurrency 6th April 2021 2 / 19 Quick quiz What is concurrency? Concurrency is the decomposability property of a program, algorithm, or problem into order-independent or partially-ordered components or units. Thread x Process difference Thread is minimal runnable unit for OS that can be deployed on processor, unlike process it does not own virtual memory, but uses virtual memory of parent process. Every process has at least one thread, which is main for execution. Who provides threads? Threads are provided by OS, although many languages has their own implementation due to optimization. Miroslav Jaroš PA193 - Semminar on concurrency 6th April 2021 3 / 19 Threads UNIX Pthread library part of POSIX #include WINDOWS Defined in WIN32 API #include MULTI PLATFORM Since C11 and C++11 standards are threads part of standard library Qt Framework Boost library LANGUAGES GO: gorutines ERLANG: processes ADA: tasks Java: java.lang.Thread Python: thread and threading module Miroslav Jaroš PA193 - Semminar on concurrency 6th April 2021 4 / 19 Pthread library Part of POSIX library Provides basic interface for Thread management and mutual exclusion techniques All types and functions are prefixed with pthread string Needs to be compiled with -pthread argument, to link pthread library into binary All types and functions are descirbed in pthread.h header file Miroslav Jaroš PA193 - Semminar on concurrency 6th April 2021 5 / 19 Pthread library int pthread_create(pthread_t *thread, const pthread_attr_t *attr, void *(*start_routine) (void *), void *arg); Creates new thread, which will start execution in start_routine function thread in/out attribute, after pthread_create is called, it’s set to threads identifier attr thread attributes, typically passed NULL start_routine entry point of newly created thread arg arguments passed to start_routine man 3 pthread_create int pthread_join(pthread_t thread, void **retval); Waits for thread to end execution and collect return value thread thread identifier, set by pthread_create retval if not set to NULL pthread_join will store start_routine return value in it. man 3 pthread_join Miroslav Jaroš PA193 - Semminar on concurrency 6th April 2021 6 / 19 Helgrind Part of valgrind tool for dynamic analysis Designed to find bugs in threaded code Executed similarly to memcheck valgrind --tool=helgrind ./your_code Your code should be compiled with debugging symbols “gcc -g . . . .” Miroslav Jaroš PA193 - Semminar on concurrency 6th April 2021 7 / 19 CRITICAL SECTION Point of code where shared resource is manipulated. Must be executed exclusively - only one thread at time Even read operations must be exclusive Context switch can happen in the middle of read operation Then data can be inconsistent Goal is to make critical section as small as possible Use mutual exclusion to achieve exclusivity Miroslav Jaroš PA193 - Semminar on concurrency 6th April 2021 8 / 19 Mutual exclusions Posix defines several methods of mutual exclusion Mutex - Mutual Exclusion Condition variable Semaphore Miroslav Jaroš PA193 - Semminar on concurrency 6th April 2021 9 / 19 Mutex Object which can be in two states, locked and unlocked When thread wants to enter critical section, it locks mutex When other thread tries to lock mutex, the execution will be stopped and will wait until mutex is unlocked by blocking thread When thread is leaving critical section, it unlocks the mutex man 3 pthread_mutex_lock #include int pthread_mutex_destroy(pthread_mutex_t *mutex); int pthread_mutex_init(pthread_mutex_t *restrict mutex, const pthread_mutexattr_t *restrict attr); pthread_mutex_t mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; int pthread_mutex_lock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex); int pthread_mutex_trylock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex); int pthread_mutex_unlock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex); Miroslav Jaroš PA193 - Semminar on concurrency 6th April 2021 10 / 19 Condition Variable Critical section can be entered after condition is met Typically in producer-consumer applications, where consumer needs to wait for producer Consumer locks mutex, but finds, that it cannot enter critical section It calls pthread_cond_wait and sleeps, mutex is unlocked When producer creates new resource, it calls pthread_cond_signal All threads waiting for condition are waked and tries to obtain lock, check condition and if its met, they enter critical section with locked mutex man 3 pthread_cond_init #include int pthread_cond_destroy(pthread_cond_t *cond); int pthread_cond_init(pthread_cond_t *restrict cond, const pthread_condattr_t *restrict attr); pthread_cond_t cond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER; int pthread_cond_signal(pthread_cond_t *cond); int pthread_cond_wait(pthread_cond_t *restrict cond, pthread_mutex_t *restrict mutex); Miroslav Jaroš PA193 - Semminar on concurrency 6th April 2021 11 / 19 Semaphores Integer value that identifies how many resources are consumable Every time the new resource is created, or released the counter is increased Every time resource is consumed the counter is decreased. Thread that tries to use resource sleeps until resource is allocated This allows multiple threads enter critical section when there are enough resources Sometimes it needs to be used with mutex, due to possible inconsistencies. man 3 sem_init #include int sem_init(sem_t *sem, int pshared, unsigned int value); int sem_destroy(sem_t *sem); int sem_post(sem_t *sem); int sem_wait(sem_t *sem); Miroslav Jaroš PA193 - Semminar on concurrency 6th April 2021 12 / 19 Tasks Work on any UNIX computer 1 Create program which will increase one variable to 10000 from 3 different threads 2 Increase number of threads to 100 and wait for problems to appear 3 Try to find problems with helgrind 4 Add locking to your program 5 Try helgrind to find possible race conditions 6 Modify your code to create deadlock 7 Test it with helgrind 8 Fix your code, so deadlock won’t happen. Miroslav Jaroš PA193 - Semminar on concurrency 6th April 2021 13 / 19 Tasks II. 1 Create a program, where one thread is putting random numbers into the array and several others are verifying if those numbers are primes. 2 The time needed to produce the numbers should be unpredictable (use random numbers again) so the worker threads will need to wait for new elements to appear 3 Use an appropriate technique for mutual exclusion to avoid busy waiting. 4 Try helgrind to navigate you through the “hell” of the problems. Miroslav Jaroš PA193 - Semminar on concurrency 6th April 2021 14 / 19 Assignment Simple thread pool You are provided with a simple queue and worker interface Deadline: 2021-04-13 24:00 CEST (22:00 UTC) - soft deadline with penalisation as usual Goals: Make the queue thread-safe - enqueue and dequeue can happen from different threads Do not busy-wait for the elements to appear in the queue. The pop function must be blocking - use an appropriate technique to achieve this. Modify worker, so that it will in worker_init spawn several threads, which will wait for jobs to appear in the queue You can add any attribute to structures to achieve thread-safety You should write your own tests for queue and worker to prove their safety Test all with helgrind, and save the outputsMiroslav Jaroš PA193 - Semminar on concurrency 6th April 2021 15 / 19 Assignment Report: As a part of the assignment, you will submit a report There you’ll describe how did you achieve thread safety What bugs you have found during development with helgrind If you can’t or won’t make any bugs during development, then try to make some in tests and describe them in the report as well. You should report at least 5 different errors found by helgrind, how those bugs were made, and how you fixed them Miroslav Jaroš PA193 - Semminar on concurrency 6th April 2021 16 / 19 Conclusion Don’t be afraid of threads Use threads in your applications You should keep in mind dangers that concurrency can create in your code Always try to make critical sections as minimal as possible Use mutexes, semaphores and other tools to avoid race conditions, deadlocks and other possible issues Check your code with helgrind, it can save you many hours of debugging Miroslav Jaroš PA193 - Semminar on concurrency 6th April 2021 17 / 19 Conclusion Write your code with concurrency in mind, you might not want to write concurrent library, but someone will eventually try to use it with threads Many frameworks and libraries uses threads, even though you don’t know it Last but not least: Test your code! Multi threaded applications are hard to debug, you need to be sure, that particular function/method is doing what it should do! Miroslav Jaroš PA193 - Semminar on concurrency 6th April 2021 18 / 19