XMLSchema, RelaxNG
T. Pitner, L. Bártek, A. Rambousek. L Grolig FI MU Brno 2020
XMLSchema - Motivation
Stronger tool for XML data model specification than DTD, it allows: ● Separate type (e.g. element type) from its occurrence (i.e. element with particular name) ● More primitive data types. ● Allows to use namespaces. ● Allows to specify content model (elements) more accurate way. ● Allows new type inheritance. ● Allows modular schema design and schema reuse. ● XML Schema has an XML syntax.
XMLSchema - Element type
XMLSchema - Element type (short)
XMLSchema - Simple type
... e.g.
XMLSchema - Union
Union of two simple types - string restricted by regular expression and enumeration
XMLSchema - inheritance
isbnTypes - basic type, isbnTypes10 - derived type restriction
XMLSchema - Complex type
complex type ... typically defines elements
applies to elements sequence of child
XMLSchema - Group of elements
group type - reusable sequence of child elements
choice or all type - may be used instead of sequence
XMLSchema - Attribute group
attribute group - reusable set of attributes
XMLSchema - Namespaces
XMLSchema - reference
RelaxNG - Alternative to Schema
John Smith js@example.com Fred Bloggs fb@example.net
RelaxNG vs DTD
addressBook [ addressBook (card*)> card (name, email)> name (#PCDATA)> email (#PCDATA)>
Do you like this or that? element addressBook { element card { element name { text }, element email { text } }* }
RelaxNG - Cardinality indication
element addressBook { element card { element name { text }, element email { text } }* }
could be + or ? or * or nothing
RelaxNG - Options
element addressBook { element card { # here is the option (element name { text } | (element givenName { text }, element familyName { text })), element email { text }, element note { text }? }* }
RelaxNG - Options with attributes
element addressBook { element card { (element name { text } | attribute name { text }), (element email { text } | attribute email { text }) }* }
RelaxNG - Grammar
grammar { start = AddressBook AddressBook = element Card = element card { Name = element name { Email = element email } addressBook { Card* } Name, Email } text } { text }
RelaxNG - Enumerations
element card attribute attribute attribute } { name { text }, email { text }, preferredFormat { "html" | "text" }
element card { element name { text }, element email { text }, element preferredFormat { "html" | "text" } }