# Iterators XXX Demonstrations: 1. ‹queue› – an iterable queue 2. ‹split› – chop up a ‹string_view› into pieces 3. ‹glob› – iterate over matches of a pattern in a string Elementary exercises: 1. ‹iota› – an iterable sequence of integers 2. ‹view› – iterate a slice of an existing collection 3. ‹skip› – iterate every n-th item (a stride) of a collection Free exercises: 1. ‹map› – applying a function to a sequence 2. ‹range› – views with a shared backing store 3. ‹permute› – iterate all permutations of a sequence Graded exercises: 1. ‹seq› – generic sequences 2. ‹filter› – filtered sequences 3. ‹zip› – iterate two sequences in lockstep 4. ‹nibble› – a fixed-size nibble array 5. ‹tree› – in-order iteration of a tree 6. ‹scan› – generalized prefix sum