Mining Graph Data Karel Vaculík and Luboš Popelínský Knowledge Discovery Lab Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University Brno Czech Republic Is there a need for mining in graphs? or exist already tools that can manage it? Movie information as a graph IMDb Movie information as a graph What commonalities can we find about movies in IMDb? by frequent subgraph discovery: Movies receiving awards (Oscars, Golden Globes) come from the same small set of studios Certain director/composer pairs work frequently together Movie information as a graph Movie information as a graph What common relationship can we find between object in the db? Movies made by the same studio also have the same producer. An emerging film star may be characterized by a sequence of successful movies. Will a movie make more than $2 million in its opening weekend? Will be the movie nominated for an award? but also for inferring missing links in a movie graph Mutagenesis data mutagenic vs. non-mutagenic substances What are commonalities for each of those classes? What are commonalities for each of those classes, e.g. subgraphs, that distinguish mutagenic and non-mutagenic substances? Mutagenesis data Inductive logic programming can help. atom(Id, Element, AdditionalInfo, ….). bond(Id1, Id2, Arity, AdditionalInfo, …). ring(…). Mutagenesis data Web Web mining = web usage mining web structure mining web content mining