A Roadmap Towards Machine Intelligence Some (Not So) Recent Papers by Tomáš Mikolov Vítek Novotný, 2021-04-22 Tomáš Mikolov (* 1982 Šumperk) ● 2007: Language Modeling for Spech Recognition in Czech (Mgr. thesis, BUT) ● 2010: Stays at Johns Hopkins University (F. Jelínek) and Montreal (Bengio) ● 2010–2014: Google Brain, 2014–2020: Facebook AI Research ● 2020–: Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics (CIIRC CTU) A Roadmap Towards Machine Intelligence (2018) I 1. Introduction “Given the current availability of powerful hardware and large amounts of machine-readable data, as well as the widespread interest in sophisticated machine learning methods, the times should be ripe for the development of intelligent machines.” 2. Desiderata for an intelligent machine 1. Ability to communicate 2. Ability to learn A Roadmap Towards Machine Intelligence (2018) II 3. A simulated ecosystem to educate communication-based intelligent machines 1. High-level description of the ecosystem ■ Agents: Teacher (and Reward) ⟷ Learner ⟷ Environment ■ Interface channels: Input and output bitsteams ■ Reward, Incremental structure, Time off, Evaluation 2. Early stages of the simulation ■ Preliminaries, Notation (continued on the next slide) The Learner learns to issue Environment commands Associating language to actions Learning to generalize I Learning to generalize II Learning to generalize III Interactive communication ■ Algorithmic knowledge “Thus, we believe that successful construction of intelligent machinescould automate computer programming, which will likely be done in the future simply through communication in natural language.” Interacting with the trained intelligent machine A Roadmap Towards Machine Intelligence (2018) X 4. Towards the development of intelligent machines 1. Types of learning 2. Long-term memory and compositional learning skills 3. Computational properties of intelligent machines “Since there are many Turing-complete computational systems, one may wonder which one should be preferred as the basis for machine intelligence. We cannot answer this question yet, however we hypothesize that the most natural choice would be a system that performs computation in a parallel way, using elementary units that can grow in number based on the task at hand. The growing property is necessary to support the long-term memory, if we assume that the basic units themselves are finite. An example of an existing computational system with many of the desired properties is the cellular automaton of Von Neumann et al. (1966). [...]” Possible Computational Systems for the Intelligent Machine ● KRUSZEWSKI, Germán; MIKOLOV, Tomas. Combinatory Chemistry: Towards a Simple Model of Emergent Evolution. In: Artificial Life Conference Proceedings. One Rogers Street, Cambridge, MA 02142-1209 USA journals-info@ mit. edu: MIT Press, 2020. p. 411-419. Available at DOI: 10.1162/isal_a_00258 ● CISNEROS, Hugo; SIVIC, Josef; MIKOLOV, Tomas. Visualizing computation in large-scale cellular automata. In: Artificial Life Conference Proceedings. One Rogers Street, Cambridge, MA 02142-1209 USA journals-info@ mit. edu: MIT Press, 2020. p. 239-247. Available at DOI: 10.1162/isal_a_00277 Combinatory Chemistry: Towards a Simple Model of Emergent Evolution (2020) ● Introduces combinatory chemistry: an artificial algorithmic chemistry based on combinatory logic (CL), a minimalistic computational system that was independently invented by Schonfinkel, Von Neumann, and Haskell Curry. ● A system consists of CL expressions that react following reduction rules, plus random condensation and cleavages. ● They apply a heuristic approach, which emulate the effects of having a much larger system, and study the emergence of complex structures. ● They seek to use combinatory chemistry for explaining the emergence of evolvability, one of the central questions in Artificial Life. Visualizing Computation in Large-Scale Cellular Automata ● Large-scale cellular automata (CA) have high time and memory complexity. ● They propose several coarse-graining approaches for cellular automata, which approximate the original cellular automata by merging cells with losing as few information about the states as possible. ● This allows them to visualize large-scale CAs and see emergent structures. “Viewing space-time diagrams of cellular automata is akin to visualizing a foreign computer design. Cellular automata are manipulating information, registers and instructions in parallel in the form of cell states. [...] Future work could focus on identifying some known simple computational primitives within cellular automata and understanding how our visualization can help to find them.”