Barbora Buhnova / FI MU / Czech CyberCrime Centre of Excellence C4e1 Context of the Course and Lasaris lab at FI MU Barbora Buhnova, PV260 Software Quality, 2020 Barbora Buhnova / FI MU / Czech CyberCrime Centre of Excellence C4e2 Barbora Buhnova / FI MU / Czech CyberCrime Centre of Excellence C4e3 Czech CyberCrime Centre of Excellence C4e ̶ A multidisciplinary center that brings together expert academic departments to address complex cyberspace problems Barbora Buhnova / FI MU / Czech CyberCrime Centre of Excellence C4e4 Cybersecurity Innovation Hub Coordinated by National Cyber Security Competence Centre (NC3) ̶ Key initiatives ̶ Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) of MU ̶ Lab of Software Architectures and Information Systems ̶ Institute of Law and Technology at MU ̶ CyberRange (Kybernetický polygon, KYPO) ̶ Collaboration on ̶ Cybersecurity Education (National CyberCzech Technical Exercise, Cybersecurity Qualification Framework) ̶ Policy and Legislation in Cybersecurity (Cyber Security Act, Methodology) ̶ Partners ̶ Masaryk University, Brno University of Technology ̶ Czech National Cybersecurity Agency, Network Security Monitoring Cluster ̶ Regional Chamber of Commerce, Industry Cluster 4.0 Barbora Buhnova / FI MU / Czech CyberCrime Centre of Excellence C4e5 DIGITALIZATION ADVANCEMENT Barbora Buhnova / FI MU / Czech CyberCrime Centre of Excellence C4e6 The Dual-Use Dilemma Technology facilitates and speeds up activities around us ̶ Can be used for the good, as well as to cause harm ̶ E.g. it helps people to organize for the good, as well as for the bad If we want to boost the good, opening up to its enormous potential, we need to simultaneously boost the protection against the bad Barbora Buhnova / FI MU / Czech CyberCrime Centre of Excellence C4e7 Context-related Challenges ̶ Hyperconnected world and business landscape, problem cascading, unpredictable impacts ̶ Uncertainty about the trustability of connected devices ̶ Highly distributed environment, entry points to secure, data inconsistency, unreliable sensors, partial failures ̶ Securing against threats that are not existing yet Barbora Buhnova / FI MU / Czech CyberCrime Centre of Excellence C4e8 Engineering for the Unknown It is no longer enough to engineer systems for problem avoidance ̶ We need to anticipate intentional & unintentional problems on all levels Prebuilt mechanisms for: ̶ recognizing an attack/fault, ̶ stopping it from propagating, ̶ ensuring safety under attack/fault, ̶ recovering from an attack/failure, ̶ forensics after the attack/failure Barbora Buhnova / FI MU / Czech CyberCrime Centre of Excellence C4e9 CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE Barbora Buhnova / FI MU / Czech CyberCrime Centre of Excellence C4e10 Critical Infrastructure ̶ The concept of critical infrastructure and key resources includes all assets that are so vital for any country that their destruction or degradation would have a debilitating effect on the essential functions of government, national security, national economy or public health. ̶ Disruption of a single sector of critical infrastructure, due to terrorist attacks, natural disasters or man-made damage, is likely to have cascading effects on other sectors. Barbora Buhnova / FI MU / Czech CyberCrime Centre of Excellence C4e11 Critical Infrastructure Examples 1. Energy - e.g. Smart Grids, Power plants 2. Information and Communication Technologies - e.g. Datacentre/Cloud services 3. Water - e.g. Water distribution 4. Food - e.g. Agriculture/Food production 5. Healthcare - e.g. Hospital care, Emergency healthcare 6. Financial services - e.g. Banking, Payment transactions 7. Public order and safety - e.g. Maintenance of public order, Judiciary systems Barbora Buhnova / FI MU / Czech CyberCrime Centre of Excellence C4e12 Critical Infrastructure Examples (continued) 8. Transport - e.g. Traffic management, Public transport, Railroads, Aviation 9. Industry - e.g. Industrial control systems 10. Civil administration - e.g. Government functions 11. Space - e.g. Protection of space-based systems 12. Civil protection - e.g. Emergency and rescue services 13. Environment - e.g. Air pollution monitoring 14. Defence - e.g. Military installation, National defence Barbora Buhnova / FI MU / Czech CyberCrime Centre of Excellence C4e13 Critical Infrastructure – Traffic elaborated ̶ Aviation ̶ Air navigation services ̶ Airports operation ̶ Road transport ̶ Bus/Tram services ̶ Maintenance of the road network ̶ Train transport ̶ Management of public railway ̶ Rail transport services ̶ Maritime transport ̶ Monitoring and management of shipping traffic ̶ Ice-breaking operations ̶ Postal/Shipping © GAO, U.S. Congress Barbora Buhnova / FI MU / Czech CyberCrime Centre of Excellence C4e14 Yet, They Have a Lot in Common What makes these infrastructures critical? ̶ The cyber and physical space merged into one ̶ If we stayed all digital, not much would be in danger, but we go into remote control of everything Barbora Buhnova / FI MU / Czech CyberCrime Centre of Excellence C4e15 SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE Barbora Buhnova / FI MU / Czech CyberCrime Centre of Excellence C4e16 Motivating Example – Smart Grid © GAO, U.S. Congress Barbora Buhnova / FI MU / Czech CyberCrime Centre of Excellence C4e17 Smart Grid Conceptual Model – NIST Barbora Buhnova / FI MU / Czech CyberCrime Centre of Excellence C4e18 Smart Grid Conceptual Model – NIST ̶ (A1) Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) ̶ (A2) Distribution domain Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) ̶ (A3) Meter Data Management (MDM) systems ̶ (A4) Demand Response (DR) systems ̶ (A5) Engineering Analysis (EA) ̶ (A6) Distribution State Estimation (DSE) systems ̶ (A7) Outage Management System (OMS) ̶ (A8) Distribution Automation systems ̶ (A9) Geographic Information System (GIS) ̶ (A10) Work Management (WM) ̶ (A11) Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) ̶ (A12) Interactive Voice Response (IVR) ̶ (A13) Customer Information System (CIS) ̶ (A14) Demand Response Automation System (DRAS) Server ̶ (A15) Demand Management (DM) ̶ (A16) Load Forecast (LF) ̶ (A17) Generation and Transmission (G&T) Energy Management System (EMS) ̶ (A18) Market Services (MS) ̶ (A19) Regional Transmission Operator (RTO) /Independent System Operator (ISO) Energy Management System (EMS) ̶ (A20) Energy Market Clearinghouse ̶ (A21) Distributed Energy Resources (DER) Energy Management System (EMS) ̶ (A22) Demand Response Automation (DRAS) Client Barbora Buhnova / FI MU / Czech CyberCrime Centre of Excellence C4e19 Dimensions and Guidelines Quality Criteria Architectural Tactics Architectural Patterns Reference Architectures Technologies Risk Analysis and Policy Barbora Buhnova / FI MU / Czech CyberCrime Centre of Excellence C4e20 Quality Criteria ̶ Reliability – The probability of correct/failure-free system operation. ̶ Availability – The degree to which a system is fully operational, i.e. up and running. ̶ Security – The ability of a system to prevent unauthorized access and protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data. ̶ Safety – The ability of a system to operate without the danger of causing serious harm (e.g. human injury). ̶ Robustness – Degree to which a system is able to withstand an unexpected event without quality degradation. ̶ Resilience – The ability of a system to recover quickly after a disaster. Barbora Buhnova / © Awais Rashid, University of Bristol (UK)21 Intentional vs. Unintentional Issues and Causes ̶ Threat/Vulnerability/Incident – Security, Safety ̶ Fault/Failure – Reliability, Availability VULNERABILITY Barbora Buhnova / FI MU / Czech CyberCrime Centre of Excellence C4e22 Thank You for Your Attention Czech CyberCrime Centre of Excellence C4e ̶ A multidisciplinary center that brings together expert academic departments to address complex cyberspace problems Barbora Buhnova, FI MU Brno