LAB OF SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURES AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS FACULTY OF INFORMATICS MASARYK UNIVERSITY, BRNO ROADMAP TO SOFTWARE QUALITY Barbora Bühnová PV260 COURSE INTRODUCTION Outlineofthelecture • Course introduction • Course motivation and goals • Course organization • Our team • Roadmap to quality assurance methods • Define quality issues • Prevent quality issues • Detect quality issues • Repair quality issues • Keep track of quality issues • Choose well, plan well © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality Outlineofthelecture • Course introduction • Course motivation and goals • Course organization • Our team • Roadmap to quality assurance methods • Define quality issues • Prevent quality issues • Detect quality issues • Repair quality issues • Keep track of quality issues • Choose well, plan well © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality Coursemotivationandgoals “People forget how fast you did a job – but they remember how well you did it” – some guy named Howard Newton • The aim of the course is to help the students to • understand activities contributing to building high-quality software; • develop critical thinking and be able to identify code flaws related to reliability, performance, scalability, maintainability and testability; • be able to refactor existing code to improve different quality attributes; • have practical experience with software testing and related tools. © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality Outlineoflectures Lect 1. [LaSArIS, B. Bühnová] Course organization. Roadmap to software quality engineering methods. Lect 2. [LaSArIS, B. Bühnová] Clean Code & SOLID principles. Bad code smells and code refactoring. Lect 3. [LaSArIS, B. Rossi] Software measurement and metrics, and their role in quality improvement. Lect 4. [Solar Winds, Jiří Pokorný] Automated testing and testability. Continuous integration/delivery. Lect 5. [LaSArIS, B. Rossi] Basic Principles of Testing. Requirements and test cases.Test plans and risk analysis. Specific issues in testingOO Software. Lect 6. [Siemens, J.Verner] Quality and testing in agile. Practical insights on QA in real product development. Lect 7. [LaSArIS, B. Bühnová] Focus on quality attributes and conflicts between them. Lect 8. [To be confirmed] Performance engineering and performance testing. Lect 9. [YSoft, O. Krajíček]The role of software architecture - practitioner view. Lect 10. [LaSArIS, B. Bühnová] Software architecture guidelines for software quality? Lect 11. [Honeywell, J. Papcun, J. Svoboda] Static code analysis and code reviews. Lect 12. [LaSArIS, D. Gešvindr] Challenges of quality management in cloud applications. Lect 13. [LaSArIS, B. Rossi] Software quality management process. Week 16. on 4. 6. 2020 [All]Colloquium event © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality Courseorganization • Lectures • Shared by us and experts from companies • May not be recorded • Final colloquium event after the end of semester (June 4, 2020) • Seminars • Practical assignments on computers • Teamwork, homework, projects • 2 Java groups – taught by LaSArIS lab members • 1 Java group – taught by NetSuite experts • 1 C# group – taught by Y Soft experts © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality Courseorganization • Evaluation • 45 points for seminar assignments • All the assignments need to be at least submitted, otherwise, the student cannot attend the final colloquium event and write the test. • 10 seminar activity points • 10 lecture activity points • 35 points for final colloquium assessment, consisting of • obligatory attendance at the final colloquium event and • final written test • Minimum of 70 points for passing the course • Colloquium event • On June 6, 2019, between 9:00-13:30 • Discussion groups led by industrial experts • Student presentations of outcomes • Written test (at the end of the day, or on a separate term) © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality Our team © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality • Ondřej Krajíček • Radim Göth • and others • Barbora Bühnová • Bruno Rossi • Stanislav Chren • David Gešvindr • Pavel Hrdina • Jiří Koudelka Outlineofthelecture • Course introduction • Course motivation and goals • Course organization • Our team • Roadmap to quality assurance methods • Define quality issues • Prevent quality issues • Detect quality issues • Repair quality issues • Keep track of quality issues • Choose well, plan well © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality QualityAssurance(QA)methods © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality Usability testing Security testing Security tactics RoadmaptoQA methods Prevent quality issues Detect quality issues Repair quality issues Keep track of quality issues Define quality issues © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality Definequalityissues • Software quality is commonly defined as the capability of a software product to conform to requirements [ISO/IEC 9001]. • Requirements engineering • Software metrics • ’You cannot manage what you cannot measure’ • Quality attributes • Of a product, process and resources © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality Prevent quality issues Detect quality issues Repair quality issues Keep track of quality issues Define quality issues customer needs What"quality"meanstoyou? …andyourcustomer? …andyourmanager? © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality Cost effectiveness TheSoftwareQuality Iceberg EXTERNAL QUALITY INTERNALQUALITY Visible / Symptoms Invisible / Root usability accuracy cost performance reliability program structure complexity coding practices testability reusability maintainability flexibility understandability security testinginspection Inspiration from [5] manualorautomated? measurableornot? © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality Thebig five • Along the course we will focus on: • Maintainability – ease of change (without increased technical debt) • Performance – response time and efficiency in resource utilization • Reliability – probability of failure-free operation over a period of time • Testability – degree to which the system facilitates testing • Scalability – system’s ability to handle growing work load • Quality attributes studied in related courses: • Security – system’s ability to protect itself from attacks • Usability – ease of system use and learnability © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality Preventqualityissues • Coding best practices • Clean code, SOLID principles • Design patterns • Pair programming • Code conventions • Language specif. recommendations • Quality assurance processes • V-model of testing,Test Driven Development • Standards for development process improvement • CMMI and ITIL reference models • ISO 9000, ISO/IEC 25010 © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality Prevent quality issues Detect quality issues Repair quality issues Keep track of quality issues Define quality issues processescode-level Detectqualityissues • Testing functional requirements • Manual or automated • Testing non-functional req. • Performance, usability, security testing • Design inspections • Manual inspections of design artifacts • Code reviews • Manual inspections of code • Automated static code analysis © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality Prevent quality issues Detect quality issues Repair quality issues Keep track of quality issues Define quality issues staticanalysistesting Roadmaptosoftwaretesting © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality Inspired from [1] Test cases Test resources Test plan Testing Strategy Unit Component Functional Test Backend Middleware Third party System and IntegrationTest Functional Non-functional Regression ReleaseTest Usability Learnability Requirements Acceptance (User)Test Application Infrastructure Post-production Tuning Requirements Acceptance Criteria Test management Functional testing Non-functional testing Tuning Specify Design Prototype Configure Validate Deploy Maintain DevelopmentTestingEnd-to-EndView ImplementationCycle Penetration Red team SecurityTest Response time Stress PerformanceTest Repairquality issues • Functional issue • Code repair • Reliability issue • Fault tolerance mechanisms • Performance issue • Concurrency, effective resource utilization, identify and remove system bottlenecks • Security issue • Identify and remove system vulnerabilities (single points of failure) • Maintainability issue • Refactoring to clean code principles, to design patterns © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality Prevent quality issues Detect quality issues Repair quality issues Keep track of quality issues Define quality issues tacticsandpatterns Keeptrackofqualityissues • Issue tracking • Supports the management of issues reported by customers • Technical debt management • Level of code quality degradation • Work that needs to be done before a particular job can be considered complete or proper • Configuration management • Version management and release management • System integration © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality Prevent quality issues Detect quality issues Repair quality issues Keep track of quality issues Define quality issues RoadmaptoQAmethods–theBigPicture Prevent quality issues - Coding best practices - Code conventions - QA processes - Standards Detect quality issues (Non)Functional testing Design inspections Code reviews Static code analysis Repair quality issues - Reliability tactics - Performance tactics - Security tactics - Maintainability tactics Keep track of quality issues Issue tracking Technical debt management Configuration management Define quality issues - Requirements engineering - Quality attributes © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality Outlineofthelecture • Course introduction • Course motivation and goals • Course organization • Our team • Roadmap to quality assurance methods • Define quality issues • Prevent quality issues • Detect quality issues • Repair quality issues • Keep track of quality issues • Choose well, plan well © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality Choosewell,plan well • Think well about your requirements and the cost of the quality © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality Choosewell–Combinationisthekey © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality From [2,3], see also RebelLabs reports [4] Plan well –The PowerofAnalogy • Airplane Servicing • Requires regular servicing e.g. every 100,000 miles. • Takes place even if everything seems to work all right, because we cannot afford a failure. • Technical Debt Management • Introduced by WardCunningham • Analogy of quality degradation with financial debt – if not paid off, interests increase.One can get into trouble. • Sometimes it is wise to “borrow money” • When one expects to have more money in the future (start-up company) • When one needs to act fast not to miss a market opportunity • When one expects money devaluation (e.g. developers will become more experienced, it will be easier to understand user needs) © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality Can we quantify it? Takeaways • Quality assurance (QA) is much more than testing, including many different methods to • prevent, detect, repair and keep track of quality issues • Combination of the methods is the key to successfulQA • But choose well and plan well, not all methods are best for your project! • Make sure you understand the needs of your customer • Balance both internal and external quality attributes for both the present and the future Barbora Bühnová, FI MU Brno contact me thanks for listening © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality References • [1]TestingYou PerformWhenYou Develop a SiebelApplication.Available online at • [2] Steve McConnell. Code Complete:A Practical Handbook of Software Construction, Second Edition. Microsoft Press, June 2004. • [3] Kevin Burke. Why code review beats testing: evidence from decades of programming research. Available online at ways-to-find-bugs-in-your-code/ • [4] RebelLabs. 2013 Developer Productivity Report. Available online at engineering-tools-practices-impact-software-quality-delivery/ • [5] Jonathan Bloom.Titanic Dilemma:The SeenVersus the Unseen. Available online at © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality