LAB OF SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURES AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS FACULTY OF INFORMATICS MASARYK UNIVERSITY, BRNO AND CONFLICTS BETWEEN THEM Barbora Bühnová FOCUS ON QUALITY ATTRIBUTES Wheredo we stand? We already know many techniques for code-level quality: • Clean code principles • SOLID (Single responsibility,Open/closed, Liskov substitution, etc.) • GRASP (High cohesion, Low coupling, Polymorphism, etc.) • Bad code smells • Abstraction levels, dependencies, cohesion, naming conventions, etc. • Refactoring • When, where and how Is this enough to ensure code-level quality? © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality What"quality"meanstoyou? …andyourcustomer? …andyourmanager? © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality Outlineofthelecture • Bad code smells for • Performance • Scalability • Reliability • Testability • Maintainability • Tactics for • Discussed quality attributes • Conflicts between them © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality Our big five Outlineofthelecture • Bad code smells for • Performance • Scalability • Reliability • Testability • Maintainability • Tactics for • Discussed quality attributes • Conflicts between them © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality BadcodesmellsforPerformance • Let’s assume our code is perfectly CLEAN • What about performance? Are there any performance code smells we could check for? Let’s discuss four performance smells: • Smell #1: RedundantWork • Smell #2: One by One Processing • Smell #3: Long Critical Section • Smell #4: BusyWaiting © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality Motivatingexample#1: FibonacciSequence • 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, … • Fib(0) = Fib(1) = 1 Fib(n+2) = Fib(n+1) + Fib(n) where n≥0 In Java: © PatrycjaWegrzynowicz [2] public int fibonacci(int n) { if(n <= 1) return 1; return fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2); } Smell#1:RedundantWork • Description • A time-consuming method computes the same many times in a single execution path • Consequences • A slower execution time since the time-consuming operation is performed multiple times • Solution • Call the heavy method only once and store the result for further reuse Note: Applies also in more complex scenarios, such as caching of database results in distributed systems. © PatrycjaWegrzynowicz [2] Example#1:Fibonaccirefactored © PatrycjaWegrzynowicz [2] Map cache1 = new HashMap(); long fibonacci(int n) { if (cache1.containsKey(n)) return cache1.get(n); if (n==0 || n==1) { int var1 = 1; cache1.put(n, var1); return var1; } int var2 = fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2); cache1.put(n, var2); return var2; } Motivatingexample#2:Search © PatrycjaWegrzynowicz [2] private ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); List findGreaterThan(int value) { List ret = new ArrayList(); for (Item item : list) { if (item.isGreaterThan(value)) { ret.add(item); } } return ret; } Smell#2:One byOneProcessing • Description • Overused linear search/processing • Consequences • Slower performance • Solution • Use smarter algorithms and/or data structures (binary search, sorted collections, map with precomputed search predicates) Note: Become familiar with the performance of operations you execute on different types of data structures. And think about the complexity of your algorithms. © PatrycjaWegrzynowicz [2] Example#2:Searchrefactored © PatrycjaWegrzynowicz [2] private List list = new ArrayList(); private List var1 = new SortedList( ... ); ... List findGreaterThan(int value) { return subList(var1, value); } Motivatingexample#3: PasswordCracking © PatrycjaWegrzynowicz [2] static List passwordsToCheck; // launch 100 threads and FOR each thread void run() { while (!passwordsToCheck.isEmpty()) { synchronized(passwordsToCheck) { if (!passwordsToCheck.isEmpty()) { String pwd = passwordsToCheck.remove(0); checkPassword(pwd); } } } } void checkPassword() { ... } Smell#3: LongCriticalSection • Description • Unnecessary code performed in a critical section • Consequences • More like single-threaded model • Solution • Move the code outside the critical section Note: Sometimes it is favorable to use multiple locks within a class to enable partial locking of an object. See an example below. © PatrycjaWegrzynowicz [2] Example#3:PasswordCrackingrefactored © PatrycjaWegrzynowicz [2] static List passwordsToCheck; // launch 100 threads and FOR each thread void run() { while (!passwordsToCheck.isEmpty()) { synchronized(passwordsToCheck) { if (!passwordsToCheck.isEmpty()) { String pwd = passwordsToCheck.remove(0); } } checkPassword(pwd); } } void checkPassword() { ... } Example#3.b:Multiplelockswithinaclass © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality public class MyUpdater { private long var1 = 0; private long var2 = 0; public void updateVar1() { synchronized(this) { // update var1 } } public void updateVar2() { synchronized(this) { // update var2 } } } private Object lock1 = new Object(); private Object lock2 = new Object(); public void updateVar1() { synchronized(lock1) { // update var1 } } public void updateVar2() { synchronized(lock2) { // update var2 } } Smell#4:BusyWaiting • Description • Repeatedly checking if something interesting happened (e.g. value changed, user input arrived). • Consequences • A lot of work with mostly no value, slowing down the system • Solution • Hollywood principle: “Don't call us, we'll call you.” • Observer pattern (Gang of Four book) © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality Outlineofthelecture • Bad code smells for • Performance • Scalability • Reliability • Testability • Maintainability • Tactics for • Discussed quality attributes • Conflicts between them © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality Badsmells(beliefs)forScalability • Smell #1: Distribution improves performance • Not always. Distributed systems must use network I/O, more CPU to maintain coherence, partitioning and replication. • Smell #2: Just performance • If you want to get distributed, there are many lessons to learn in reliability, maintainability, security, testability, and many other domains. • Smell #3: My framework takes care of it • Distributed applications must address many new concerns: • State sharing • Data consistency • Caching Fowler’s First Law of Distributed Object Design: Don't distribute your objects. Advice: Better clean up your application and stay local, if you can. © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality • Load balancing • Failure management Outlineofthelecture • Bad code smells for • Performance • Scalability • Reliability • Testability • Maintainability • Tactics for • Discussed quality attributes • Conflicts between them © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality BadcodesmellsforReliability • Smell #1: Input Kludge • Check all inputs for validity!On all user interfaces and service interfaces. • Smell #2: Blind Faith • Do not trust others (limit access to your code, check bug fixes), nor yourself (check the correctness of your results). • Smell #3: Poorly Handled Exceptions • Smell #4: Unguarded Sequential Coupling • Assumptions on the right ordering of method calls without control. • Smell #5: Fashionable Coding • Usage of all the new cool technologies and constructs you do not really understand. © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality Outlineofthelecture • Bad code smells for • Performance • Scalability • Reliability • Testability • Maintainability • Tactics for • Discussed quality attributes • Conflicts between them © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality BadcodesmellsforTestability • Smell #1: Global State • Do not allow your objects to communicate secretly. • Smell #2: Lack of Dependency Injection • Make your dependencies explicit. • Smell #3: Law of Demeter violation • Only talk to your immediate friends. • Smell #4: Misplaced and Hard Coded new Operator • Do not mix factory and service code. Note: In over 90% of cases, Global State is the problem. General advice: If your code is difficult to test, do not ask how to hack it, but what is wrong with that code! © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality Motivatingexample#1:SecretCommunication © Miško Hevery [4] class X { ... X() { ... } public int doSomething() { ... } } int a = new X().doSomething(); int b = new X().doSomething(); Does a==b ?? Motivatingexample#1:SecretCommunication © Miško Hevery [4] a = new X() → b = new X() → X Y Q Z X Y Q Z Motivatingexample#1:SecretCommunication © Miško Hevery [4] a = new X() → a.doSomething() b = new X() → b.doSomething() a==b ✔ X Y Q Z X Y Q Z Motivatingexample#1:SecretCommunication © Miško Hevery [4] a = new X() → a.doSomething() b = new X() → b.doSomething() a==b ✖ X Y Q X Y Q GS Z Z Smell#1:GlobalState • Multiple executions can produce different results • Test flakiness • Order of tests matters • Cannot run tests in parallel • Unbounded location of state • Transitive dependencies • Hidden global states • System.currentTime() • Database © Miško Hevery [4] What about Singletons? Motivatingexample#2: DeceptiveAPI testCharge() { CreditCard cc; cc = new CreditCard(“1234567890121234”); cc.charge(100); } © Miško Hevery [4] Motivatingexample#2: DeceptiveAPI testCharge() { CreditCard cc; cc = new CreditCard(“1234567890121234”); cc.charge(100); } java.lang.NullPointerException at talk3.CreditCard.charge( © Miško Hevery [4] Motivatingexample#2: DeceptiveAPI testCharge() { CreditCardProcessor.init(); CreditCard cc; cc = new CreditCard(“1234567890121234”); cc.charge(100); } © Miško Hevery [4] Motivatingexample#2: DeceptiveAPI testCharge() { CreditCardProcessor.init(); CreditCard cc; cc = new CreditCard(“1234567890121234”); cc.charge(100); } java.lang.NullPointerException at talk3.CreditCardProcessor.init( © Miško Hevery [4] Motivatingexample#2: DeceptiveAPI testCharge() { OfflineQueue.start(); CreditCardProcessor.init(); CreditCard cc; cc = new CreditCard(“1234567890121234”); cc.charge(100); } © Miško Hevery [4] Motivatingexample#2: DeceptiveAPI testCharge() { OfflineQueue.start(); CreditCardProcessor.init(); CreditCard cc; cc = new CreditCard(“1234567890121234”); cc.charge(100); } java.lang.NullPointerException at talk3.OfflineQueue.start( © Miško Hevery [4] Motivatingexample#2: DeceptiveAPI testCharge() { Database.connect(...); OfflineQueue.start(); CreditCardProcessor.init(); CreditCard cc; cc = new CreditCard(“1234567890121234”); cc.charge(100); } © Miško Hevery [4] Motivatingexample#2: DeceptiveAPI testCharge() { Database.connect(...); OfflineQueue.start(); CreditCardProcessor.init(); CreditCard cc; cc = new CreditCard(“1234567890121234”); cc.charge(100); } © Miško Hevery [4] • CreditCard API lies • It pretends to not need the CreditCardProcessor even though in reality it does. Motivatingexample#2: BetterAPI testCharge() { ?? CreditCard cc; cc = new CreditCard(“1234567890121234”, ccProc); cc.charge(100); } © Miško Hevery [4] Motivatingexample#2: BetterAPI testCharge() { ?? ccProc = new CreditCardProcessor(queue); CreditCard cc; cc = new CreditCard(“1234567890121234”, ccProc); cc.charge(100); } © Miško Hevery [4] Motivatingexample#2: BetterAPI testCharge() { ?? queue = new OfflineQueue(db); ccProc = new CreditCardProcessor(queue); CreditCard cc; cc = new CreditCard(“1234567890121234”, ccProc); cc.charge(100); } © Miško Hevery [4] Motivatingexample#2: BetterAPI testCharge() { db = new Database(...); queue = new OfflineQueue(db); ccProc = new CreditCardProcessor(queue); CreditCard cc; cc = new CreditCard(“1234567890121234”, ccProc); cc.charge(100); } © Miško Hevery [4] Motivatingexample#2: BetterAPI testCharge() { db = new Database(...); queue = new OfflineQueue(db); ccProc = new CreditCardProcessor(queue); CreditCard cc; cc = new CreditCard(“1234567890121234”, ccProc); cc.charge(100); } © Miško Hevery [4] Dependency Injection Smell#2:Lack of DependencyInjection • Dependency injection makes your dependencies explicit • It does not make the dependencies in your code better or worse • It only makes them visible • If there are too many dependencies, do not blame DI! • The dependencies have always been there, DI only showed them to you • Dependency injection enforces the order of initialization at compile time • Compiler helps to prevent illegal test setup © Miško Hevery [4] Won’t my system get flooded with arguments passed around? Smell#2:Lack of DependencyInjection • Dependency injection makes your dependencies explicit • It does not make the dependencies in your code better or worse • It only makes them visible • If there are too many dependencies, do not blame DI! • The dependencies have always been there, DI only showed them to you • Dependency injection enforces the order of initialization at compile time • Compiler helps to prevent illegal test setup © Miško Hevery [4] testCharge() { db = new Database(...); queue = new OfflineQueue(db); ccProc = new CreditCardProcessor(queue); CreditCard cc; cc = new CreditCard(“1234567890121234”, ccProc); cc.charge(100); } Won’t my system get flooded with arguments passed around? NO Smell#3: Law of Demeterviolation Law of Demeter: “Only talk to your immediate friends” • If an object needs links to too many objects, there may be something wrong with the object • Revealed by Dependency Injection • “Our code often smells because we have a few objects doing too much work, which requires them to know about too many other objects.” [Brandon Keepers] • A nice rule of thumb is to check if we are able to describe the purpose of each class and method without using AND and OR. © Miško Hevery [4], Brandon Keepers [3] Single Responsibility Principle Smell#4:MisplacedandHardCodednewOperator To avoid misplace, clearly separate: • “Code with a whole bunch of new operators and no if statement” = code responsible for starting and wiring things, i.e. Factories. • “Code with a whole bunch of if statements and no new operator” = code that is actually doing something, i.e. Services. To avoid hard coding, make sure that: • Constructor only constructs the object and its dependencies. • Doing any other work in the constructor can significantly hinder testing. • You can end up doing unrelated work (e.g. sending emails) every time you need the object in your test. © Miško Hevery [4] Outlineofthelecture • Bad code smells for • Performance • Scalability • Reliability • Testability • Maintainability • Tactics for • Discussed quality attributes • Conflicts between them © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality BadcodesmellsforMaintainability • Smell #1: EarlyTuning • Never compromise code clarity for premature code optimization. • Smell #2: Super-Flexibility • “Flexibility breeds complexity.” • Do not shoot for something that is flexible from the early beginning. Shoot for something that is simple and build flexibility upon that. • Smell #3: Simple = Stupid, Complex = Smart • “Too complicated answers are always wrong, no matter what the question was.” • Even very smart systems can be based on simple structures. Look at embedded systems or human brain! © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality Outlineofthelecture • Bad code smells for • Performance • Scalability • Reliability • Testability • Maintainability • Tactics for • Discussed quality attributes • Conflicts between them © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality TacticsforPerformance • Tactic #1:Take a profiler into action • Do not guess where the performance problem is. Start your profiler and find the bottlenecks objectively. • It helps you to understand what is happening in the background. • Tactic #2: Examine complexity and frequency of your computations • Complexity – Maybe you can do the thing more efficiently. • Frequency – Maybe you can do the thing less often. • Tactic #3: Concurrency • Only if you understand all aspects and consequences of parallel execution. • Tactic #4: Control the use of resources • Balance the load, control access, cache, replicate, etc. © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality TacticsforReliability • Tactic #1: Monitor what is going on • Acceptance checking for individual methods and code fragments, events collection, processing and logging. • Tactic #2: Handle exceptions carefully • Think twice about exception handling strategy and responsibilities inside the system. • Tactic #3: Make your system fault tolerant • Redundancy and self-healing, e.g. seamless rebinding to a new service provider. • Tactic #4: Implement restart/recovery capabilities • Redirection to a filled-in form when the form submission fails. • System diagnostics and clean-up after major failure. Note 1:We only care about SW reliability (because this is a Software Quality course), not HW, although HW fault tolerance is a very interesting topic. Note 2: We assume that we do not deal with an ultra-reliable system. If so, other mechanisms would need to be in place (e.g. n-version programming). © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality TacticsforTestability • Tactic #1:Write CLEAN code • Simplicity matters. • Tactic #2: Avoid global state • Including its hidden forms. • Tactic #3: Separate interfaces from implementation • Make it possible to exchange implementations during testing. • Tactic #4: Make your dependencies explicit • It makes the life of developers/testers easier, and then even compiler can help to inspect it. • Tactic #5: Separate factories from business logic • During testing it is important to have access to each of these parts without mixing it with the other. © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality TacticsforMaintainability • Tactic #1:Write CLEAN code • “Premature optimization is the root of all evil.” • Clean code is not only easier to change, but also easier to optimize (e.g. for performance, scalability). • Tactic #2: Get ready for change • “Change is the only constant.” • Understand – Interfaces, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Design Patterns. • Tactic #3: Design your SW Architecture carefully • Proper modularization of your system is one of the keys for maintainability. • Tactic #4:Watch all dependencies • Check – Law of Demeter, High Cohesion, Low Coupling. © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality Conflictsbetweenqualityattributes © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality Takeaways • Bad Code Smells apply also to quality attributes. • They are just not that easy to Google. • Tactics in comparison to Bad Code Smells are usually defined on a higher level of abstraction. • Each tactic for a specific quality attribute can act as an antipattern for a different quality attribute. • That is where conflicts between quality attributes emerge. Barbora Bühnová, FI MU Brno contact me thanks for listening © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality References • [1] Martin Fowler et al. Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code, Addison-Wesley, Mar 2012. ISBN 978-0133065268. • [2] Patrycja Wegrzynowicz. Automated Refactoring of Performance and Concurrency AntiPatterns. YouTube, Jan 2013. Available at • [3] Brandon Keepers. Why Our Code Smells.YouTube, June 2012. Available at • [4] Miško Hevery.The Clean CodeTalks - Global State and Singletons.YouTube, Nov 2008. Available at • [5] Miško Hevery. Guide:WritingTestable Code, Google, Nov 2008. Available in the int. syllabus in IS. • [6] Slava Imeshev.Architecture for Scaling Java Applications to Multiple Servers.YouTube, Aug 2012. Available at • [7] Lars Lundberg et al. (editors). Software quality attributes and trade-offs, Blekinge Institute of Technology, June 2005. • [8] Mikael Svahnberg et al. A Method for Understanding Quality Attributes in SoftwareArchitecture Structures. In Proc. of SEKE'02, pages 819-826. ACM NewYork, 2002. ISBN:1-58113-556-4. • [9] Michael Feathers. Escaping theTechnical Debt Cycle.YouTube, Oct 2014. Available at © B. Bühnová, PV260 Software Quality