Software Architecture as a Discipline PV260 Software Quality 1 Ondřej “Ondra” Krajíček @OndrejKrajicek What is Software Architecture… and why should you care? PV260 Software Quality 2 Ondřej “Ondra” Krajíček @OndrejKrajicek What do you believe Software Architecture is? ...why do you care? Why should you listen or (moreover) pay attention? ...and why am I here today? Software Architecture is the important stuff
 (whatever that is). Ralph Johnson Which stuff is important? …and how can we identify the important stuff? SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE IS THE SERVANT OF HIGH-PRIORITY STAKEHOLDER VALUES. IS AS SIMPLE AS POSSIBLE, BUT NOT SIMPLER AND IS DESIGNED TO BE REPLACEABLE. Tom Gilb (Architecture Manifesto) SERVANT HIGH-PRIORITY STAKEHOLDER VALUES AS SIMPLE AS POSSIBLE NOT SIMPLER REPLACEABLE SERVANT HIGH-PRIORITY STAKEHOLDER VALUES AS SIMPLE AS POSSIBLE NOT SIMPLER REPLACEABLE SERVANT HIGH-PRIORITY STAKEHOLDER VALUES AS SIMPLE AS POSSIBLE NOT SIMPLER REPLACEABLE Software Architecture is Strategy Strategy is a plan how to deliver on your goals. Your goals are defined by high-priority stakeholders. SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE IS THE STRATEGY HOW TO DELIVER HIGH-PRIORITY STAKEHOLDER VALUES. SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE IS THE STRATEGY HOW TO DELIVER HIGH-PRIORITY STAKEHOLDER VALUES. It is still important to accept change because no battle plan survives the first contact with the enemy. Software Architecture is Risk Mitigation What happens when things go wrong? Is it important? SERVANT HIGH-PRIORITY STAKEHOLDER VALUES AS SIMPLE AS POSSIBLE NOT SIMPLER REPLACEABLE Software Architecture is Communication What does it mean? How to deliver and protect stakeholder values? • Constraints • Constraints • Rules • Constraints • Rules • Technical Decisions and Decision Logs • Constraints • Rules • Technical Decisions and Decision Logs • Architecture Models • Constraints • Rules • Technical Decisions and Decision Logs • Architecture Models • Design • Constraints • Rules • Technical Decisions and Decision Logs • Architecture Models • Design • Specifications • Constraints • Rules • Technical Decisions and Decision Logs • Architecture Models • Design • Specifications • Architectural Patterns • Constraints • Rules • Technical Decisions and Decision Logs • Architecture Models • Design • Specifications • Architectural Patterns • ? 4 Rules of Simple Design Software Architect is a Teacher Principles over Patterns Accountability Problem Why “traditional" approach fails. Who does software architecture then? Who does software architecture then? Software Architecture is done by everyone. Principles of Good Architecture • Independent of Frameworks. • Testable: all parts and as a whole. • Independent of UI. • Independent of the data store / database / object persistence. • Independent of any external impact.• So what does the architecture of your application scream? When you look at the top level directory structure, and the source files in the highest level package; do they scream: Health Care System, or Accounting System, or Inventory Management System? Or do they scream: Rails, or Spring/Hibernate, or ASP? SOLID Principles SERVANT HIGH-PRIORITY STAKEHOLDER VALUES AS SIMPLE AS POSSIBLE NOT SIMPLER REPLACEABLE Antoine de Saint Exupéry “Perfection is not achieved when there is nothing to add, but when there is nothing to remove.” (attributed to) Albert Einstein “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” IETF RFC 1925 “It has to work.” Measurable Quality How do the changes you deliver map to your stakeholder values / qualities. Tag: Ease of Access.
 Version: 11-Aug-2003.
 Owner: Rating Model Project (Bill).
 Scale: Speed for a defined [Employee Type] with defined [Experience] to get a defined [Client Type] operating successfully from the moment of a decision to use the application.
 Alternative Scales: None known yet.
 Qualifier Definitions:
 * Employee Type: {Credit Analyst, Investment Banker, …}.
 * Experience: {Never, Occasional, Frequent, Recent}.
 * Client Type: {Major, Frequent, Minor, Infrequent}.
 Meter Options:
 * Test all frequent combinations of qualifiers at least twice. Measure speed for the combinations.
 Known Usage: Project Capital Investment Proposals [2001, London].
 Known Problems: None recorded yet.
 Limitations: None recorded yet. Neal Ford, Building Evolutionary Architectures The moral: introducing changes to a highly dynamic (eco) system can yield unpredictable results. How to protect our system from dynamic / complex changes? Protect your system with fitness functions. YAGNI - You Ain’t Gonna Need It Forget YAGNI. You ain’t gonna need it. SERVANT HIGH-PRIORITY STAKEHOLDER VALUES AS SIMPLE AS POSSIBLE NOT SIMPLER REPLACEABLE Osaka Castle Giza Pyramids • Built to last: hundreds and thousands of years. • Built to last: hundreds and thousands of years. • Built to survive natural disasters, especially earthquakes (shinbashira). • Built to last: hundreds and thousands of years. • Built to survive natural disasters, especially earthquakes (shinbashira). • Both have very different architecture. • Built to last: hundreds and thousands of years. • Built to survive natural disasters, especially earthquakes (shinbashira). • Both have very different architecture. • You cannot replace one with the other. • Built to last: hundreds and thousands of years. • Built to survive natural disasters, especially earthquakes (shinbashira). • Both have very different architecture. • You cannot replace one with the other. • Why would you? Cost of Change Curve Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Scott W Ambler Cost of Change Curve Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Scott W Ambler Replaceable as in Having rather low Cost of Change How to decrease Cost of Change? Agile Frameworks • How to build architecture incrementally? • How to build architecture in iterations? These two questions will be discussed in our seminar next week: April 23rd, 14:00 - 18:00. And there will be (free) pizza and (free) architectural kata. Not for the faint of heart, because this time, we will have a real discussion.