SonarQube Seminar group Java-Lasaris Xuan Linh Phamová Introduction What is SonarQube? SonarQube SonarQube1 is an open-source automatic code review tool to detect bugs, vulnerabilities, and code smells in some code. SonarQube supports: • integration with Maven, Ant, Gradle, MSBuild • integration with continuous integration tools (Atlassian Bamboo, Jenkins, Hudson, etc.) • 27 programming languages (Java, C#, C/C++, JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, etc.) 1 Website: 1/13 Overview Figure: Development cycle with SonarQube 2/13 User Interface Main page Figure: UI of the main page 3/13 User Interface Project analysis Figure: UI of the page containing project analysis results 4/13 User Interface Project analysis 1. Issues: SonarQube raises issues whenever a piece of the code breaks a coding rule – whether it’s a – bug: an error that will break the code – vulnerability: a point in the code open to attack – code smell: a maintainability issue 2. Security Hotspots SonarQube highlights security-sensitive pieces of code that need to be reviewed 3. Measures: a dedicated sub-space where all project measures can be seen 4. Code: an outline of the project structure 5. Activity: contains a full list of code scans performed on the project since it was created in SonarQube 5/13 How to create an instance of SonarQube? You can create a SonarQube instance either from the: • zip file (simplified version is covered in these slides) • docker image 6/13 How to create a local instance of SonarQube? Setting up the environment Download the recommended platforms: 1. Java 11 – download either Oracle JDK 11 or OpenJDK – versions beyond Java 11 are not officially supported! – if you have a newer version of JDK installed, download the .zip file instead 2. PostgreSQL 12 – download here When you’re done with setting up the environment, download the SonarQube zip file (SonarQube Community Edition). We will refer to the directories into which you unzipped JDK and SonarQube as $SONARQUBE-HOME and $JAVA-HOME, respectively. 7/13 How to create a local instance of SonarQube? Installing the database 1. Firstly, check the requirements here (hardware requirements etc.) 2. Install the server 2.1 install PostgreSQL database – open psql and enter these commands: CREATE USER [user] WITH PASSWORD ’[password]’; CREATE DATABASE [database] OWNER [user]; then enter \connect [database] GRANT CREATE ON SCHEMA "public" TO [user]; GRANT UPDATE ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA "public" TO [user]; GRANT DELETE ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA "public" TO [user]; 8/13 How to create a local instance of SonarQube? Installing the server 2. cont. 2.2 configure database settings 2.2.1 open $SONARQUBE-HOME/conf/ 2.2.2 edit properties to: sonar.jdbc.username=[user] sonar.jdbc.password=[password] sonar.jdbc.url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost/sonarqube where [user] and [password] are the values you entered in the previous step 1 2.3 adjust the Java installation » if you didn’t have the JDK installed prior to this seminar: add the JDK folder into PATH » otherwise open $SONARQUBE-HOME/conf/wrapper.conf and edit the property – it must be the path to the Java executable 9/13 How to create a local instance of SonarQube? Starting the web server 3. Start the web server 3.1 open a shell and based on your OS, execute: » Linux: $SONARQUBE-HOME/bin/linux-x86-64/ start » macOS: $SONARQUBE-HOME/bin/macosx-universal-64/ start » Windows: $SONARQUBE-HOME/bin/windows-x86-64/StartSonar.bat 3.2 to check whether it is running correctly, the shell outputs SonarQube is up in case it is set up correctly 3.3 open http://localhost:9000 in your browser 3.4 login with credentials admin/admin If anything fails, please check the tutorial and follow all the steps carefully. 10/13 How to integrate GitLab with SonarQube? Creating GitLab OAuth application The full tutorial can be found here. 1. open GitLab, log in, click on your profile photo in the upper-right corner → Edit profile → Applications → fill in Name (for example, SonarQube) → into Redirect URI fill http://localhost:9000/oauth2/callback/gitlab in → in Scopes, check api → click on Save application 2. GitLab redirects you to a page → copy Application ID and Secret 11/13 How to integrate GitLab with SonarQube? Changing global settings in SonarQube 1. go to the website of your local SonarQube instance → Administration → Configuration → ALM Integrations → go to the GitLab tab → section GitLab Authentication → toggle Enabled to true → fill in GitLab URL (in case you use your school account, fill in) → into Application ID and Secret paste the values obtained in the previous step → toggle Synchronize user groups to true → save the settings 12/13 How to integrate GitLab with SonarQube? Changing global settings in SonarQube 2. go back to your GitLab profile → Edit profile → Access Tokens → fill in Name → in Scopes, check api → click on Create personal access token → copy the token (be sure to keep it in a safe place, so you can return to the token later) 3. go back to your SonarQube instance → above the section GitLab Authentication, click on Create configuration → fill in Configuration name → into GitLab API URL fill the API URL in (in case you use, fill in) → into Personal Access token paste the token generated in the previous step → Save configuration → check that the configuration is valid 13/13