PV266 – Game Development II Rules for semester: spring 2021 Revision: 1.0.0 1. Three Lives Similarly to PV255, each of you started the course with three “lives”. You will lose one life in case of: ● Unexcused absence at the seminar (first week does not count). ● [missing / late (even by minutes) / not complete / not working] submission of assignment. As the assignments are team-based, all team members will lose one life. You will not lose any life in case that you are officially excused (there is a “letter of excuse” in the Information System (“omluvenka” in Czech)) - i. e., in case of illness or other serious issues. Keep in mind that there will be no bonfires or other checkpoints to rest at and replenish lives. Also there will be no pick-ups available - no magic green apples and no estus flasks. If you lose all your lives, your grade will be automatically N. Lives will be tracked using “Notebooks” in the Information System. 2. GIT You will be using the GIT versioning system for your Unity projects, specifically gitlab.fi.muni.cz. The service has its own rules. Please read and follow them. Few more “our” rules: ● Frequent commits are expected. ● Mandatory - provide access to repositories to teachers. 3. Devlog During the whole semester, you will keep a simple developers’ log. You will be updating - at least once per week - a simple text file with a short description of work done – what you have implemented, what assets were created, what was revealed by play-testing etc. For the text file itself, we recommend markdown format: .md. Each week, you will also write down a plan of “sprint” for next week - on what features, assets, etc. you are planning to focus. Beside the text file itself, the mandatory part of your devlogs will be (at least one) screenshot of your game each week. Therefore, the folder “devlog”(or “DevLog” or “dev-log”, etc.) in the repository should look like: ● devlog.md ● week01.jpg ● week02.jpg ● ... The mandatory part of devlog will be workload tracking, for each team member. Be honest, try to be accurate – the numbers themselves will not be part of grading. And please, do not call it “slave hours”. ;-) We will be checking and discussing the plan vs reality during the seminars. Therefore, be sure to commit an update to devlog before each seminar. Of course, you can and should commit more often. ;-) 4. English All documents you will be submitting (texts in devlog, texts in games, GDD, etc.) have to be in the English language. The oral presentations as well. Individual communication with teachers could be Czech, Slovak or English, as well as communication between team and teachers (if all members of the team speak in Czech/Slovak). 5. Communicate Just a rule of thumb: communicate with us. In this weird, distant mode, it is even more important not to hesitate, ask questions and tell/write us some comments. You can use “general” channel MS Teams if it is something that could be interesting also for other students or direct chat. Or you can use “oldschool” :-) email. In that case, if it concerns the whole team, please include all team members and please use “reply to all” in all subsequent communications. 6. Rules Changelog 1.0.0 (2021-03-03) - initial version crafted from PV255 rules. “ The only reason you are not trying so hard is because you haven’t realised you are on your last life. “ --Neila Rey