Context Switching Jan Koniarik Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University May 13, 2022 Intro Goals Provide a good basic mental model of context switching. Show that the complexity in lies the specifics of the hardware platform. J. Koniarik ·Context Switching ·May 13, 2022 2 / 30 Intro The problem In the simplest terms, a context switch is an act of: 1. Stopping execution of actual job 2. Storing the state of the job 3. Restoring the state of new job 4. Resuming execution of the new job J. Koniarik ·Context Switching ·May 13, 2022 3 / 30 Intro Motivation Context switching allows us to implement jobs as a reasonable segment of code that can be stopped at any point. The alternative is decomposing everything into tiny segments of code that are called sequentially - high cognitive load. J. Koniarik ·Context Switching ·May 13, 2022 4 / 30 Intro Assumptions During this lecture, we assume single-core processors without a big operating system - an embedded device. The knowledge is transferable. We want to keep the explanation simple. J. Koniarik ·Context Switching ·May 13, 2022 5 / 30 Basic context switching Basic context switching J. Koniarik ·Context Switching ·May 13, 2022 6 / 30 Basic context switching Basic context switching To explain basic context switching, we need to: 1. Define a simplified model of a processor and necessary concepts. 2. Show how context switching works on that model. Having the basic terms properly defined is necessary, as that greatly simplifies the explanation. J. Koniarik ·Context Switching ·May 13, 2022 7 / 30 Basic context switching Model Model The model of processor is inspired by ARM platform and provides a specific simplified example. It is used only for the explanation of the basic context switching. J. Koniarik ·Context Switching ·May 13, 2022 8 / 30 Basic context switching Model Processor Processor consists of interconnected: core executes instruction memory stores code, stacks, and data registers local memory: R0..R9 general purpose PC instruction address ST stack address J. Koniarik ·Context Switching ·May 13, 2022 9 / 30 Basic context switching Model Program We assume that the program has two forms: 1. source code 2. compiled code Register PC contains the address of the next instruction of the program that should be executed. J. Koniarik ·Context Switching ·May 13, 2022 10 / 30 Basic context switching Model Stack A part of memory where the program stores local data for functions. The processor stores an address at the end of a stack in ST register. J. Koniarik ·Context Switching ·May 13, 2022 11 / 30 Basic context switching Model Function call From the perspective of instructions, the call of function has a form of jump instruction - PC register is changed to the target address: jump example: bl 801440c Key questions: What happens with the registers? How are the arguments passed? J. Koniarik ·Context Switching ·May 13, 2022 12 / 30 Basic context switching Model Function call - registers Let’s define a convention about how registers should be handled between jumps. When caller routine calls a callee routine: R0-R4 can be corrupted by the call R5-R9 has to be preserved during the call J. Koniarik ·Context Switching ·May 13, 2022 13 / 30 Basic context switching Model Function call - arguments There are multiple ways for the code to pass data between caller and called: Data can be pushed on a stack. Data can be stored in R0-R4 registers. J. Koniarik ·Context Switching ·May 13, 2022 14 / 30 Basic context switching Model Interrupts An interrupt is an event that can happen at any time. It is serviced by the processor that executes a designated function - interrupt handler. J. Koniarik ·Context Switching ·May 13, 2022 15 / 30 Basic context switching Model Interrupts Once processor detects interrupt: P finishes active instruction P simulates function call behavior - R0-R4 registers are stored on the stack P executes interrupt handler H takes care of the rest of the registers if necessary (it acts as called function) H executes interrupt-related logic H clears it’s data from stack H returns from code P Restores last state on stack into R0-R4 registers P - processor, H - handler J. Koniarik ·Context Switching ·May 13, 2022 16 / 30 Basic context switching Model Interrupts For our purposes, there are two important sources of interrupts: Timer peripheral that can cause events periodically or after a delay. The peripheral is driven by the same clock as the processor - cycle-level resolution. Software caused internally by the code - originates from within J. Koniarik ·Context Switching ·May 13, 2022 17 / 30 Basic context switching Model Threads Thread works in familiar manner. There are two key properties: 1. We work with a single processor threads are sequentially interleaved. 2. Each thread requires a separate stack in the memory. J. Koniarik ·Context Switching ·May 13, 2022 18 / 30 Basic context switching Context switching Let A be an active thread and B thread that shall be used. A context switch is a process which: 1. Stops thread A 2. Stores the state of A: registers, stack address 3. Restores the state of B 4. Restores execution of B J. Koniarik ·Context Switching ·May 13, 2022 19 / 30 Basic context switching Sources of context switching We assume two sources of a requirement for context switch: 1. Explicit yield from thread 2. Initiated by scheduler (i.e. periodic timer) Both can be handled in the same way - they raise a software interrupt used for a context switch. J. Koniarik ·Context Switching ·May 13, 2022 20 / 30 Basic context switching How it works Assume thread A is running and that software interrupt for context switch is raised: P stores registers R0-R4 at the end of stackA P executes handler H stores registers R5-R9 at the end of stackA H stores values of ST,PC for thread A H asks scheduler for next thread - B H restores values of ST,PC of thread B H restores registers R5-R9 from stackB H returns P restores registers R0-R4 from stackB P resumes execution of thread B P - processor, H - handler J. Koniarik ·Context Switching ·May 13, 2022 21 / 30 Basic context switching New thread What if thread B is new and never executed a single instruction? When a thread is created, RTOS executes a special procedure that prepares the stack in a way that: it looks like the thread was executed has no effect J. Koniarik ·Context Switching ·May 13, 2022 22 / 30 Basic context switching Complexity How fast is this? The execution time of a context switch consists of three steps: 1. Store state of an active thread 2. Select and switch to a new thread 3. Restore the state of the new thread Steps 1) and 3) can be fast as they boil down to a few instructions. The complexity is mainly affected by step 2). J. Koniarik ·Context Switching ·May 13, 2022 23 / 30 Basic context switching Complexity Select and switch The complexity of selection and switching depends on the exact algorithm used and the necessary steps of the switching process. For a simple scheduler with a low amount of tasks, that can be done in a few instructions. (This is purposefully vague, it could give hints to the project) J. Koniarik ·Context Switching ·May 13, 2022 24 / 30 Basic context switching Remarks Do not forget that we used a simplified processor. This is only a general approach. You always have to think about: 1. Each nuance of your hardware platform: 1.1 What registers are handled by the interrupts 1.2 How the hardware works with stack 1.3 What forms the state of a thread (only registers? Something in memory?) 2. Each nuance of the rest of RTOS What forms the state of a thread? For example, some kernels have a global symbol that always points to the control structure of actual thread. J. Koniarik ·Context Switching ·May 13, 2022 25 / 30 ARM ARM J. Koniarik ·Context Switching ·May 13, 2022 26 / 30 ARM ARM 1. ARM architecture is modern 32bit architecture used frequently in industry. 2. Manufacturer provides relevant documents, such as: Cortex -M4 Devices Generic User Guide dui0553/latest/ Cortex-M4(F) Lazy Stacking and Context Switching - Application Note 298 https: // 3. There are also publicly available sources, such as article: ARM Cortex-M RTOS Context Switching cortex-m-rtos-context-switching J. Koniarik ·Context Switching ·May 13, 2022 27 / 30 ARM Stacks ARM has two registers for stacks: main stack Used by the core of RTOS and interrupts process stack Used by the application J. Koniarik ·Context Switching ·May 13, 2022 28 / 30 ARM Registers R0-R12 generic purpose registers MSP main stack address PSP process stack address LR link register PC program counter PSR program status register ASPR application status register IPSR interrupt program status register EPSR execution program status register PRIMASK priority mask register FAULTMASK fault mask register BASEPRI base priority mask register CONTROL CONTROL register J. Koniarik ·Context Switching ·May 13, 2022 29 / 30 ARM Float registers Floating point unit (FPU) only on some processors Does not have to be used Provides additional registers: 1/2 of the registers can be corrupted during a call 1/2 of the registers have to be preserved during a call Context switching has to take care of the registers based on whenever FPU was used J. Koniarik ·Context Switching ·May 13, 2022 30 / 30