Internet of Things Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Analytics, Watson, Big data, Mobile development... Free '4 Q- IBM Cloud 4 e Already registered? Log in -> We are in the process of transitioning the IBM Academic Initiative to this new and improved website. This new site will allow faculty and students to access valuable cloud access, software, and courseware more easily and efficiently. We look forward to remaining your chosen partner in the journey to skills on emerging technologies. (^~) C © Ä ••• O Ö ^ Q> Search I IBM Mail % * |||\ @(DBSHfi*^ = o Enter your|university email to begin Only the students and faculty of participating schools are eligible to access this website. Please enter your school-issued email below to register. Your University Email Have questions Find answers in ourfrequently asked questions For questions not covered in our FAQ please contact us Contact IBM Privacy Terms of use Accessibility Cookie preferences United States - English v © -) e Iii © A https://ur-a2mt-prod.myblueniix,ret..l'a2mt/irvalid-univerv O ft _ Q» Search IBM Mail lll\ D 3 i M g * I O Your institution is not currently a part of the Academic Initiative program Your request to join the Academic Initiative program is being reviewed. ilf you read this statement then your school domain is not included in the Academic Initiative program. Please contact: Czechia: Jan Louda, Slovakia: Martin Matinkovic, Contact IBM Privacy Terms of use Accessibility Cookie preferences United States - English v Register Beiow Complete the information below to register. In add ition to the forms below you will need to register for an IBM ID to enroll in the program. Your University Email: University Name : Prague College Select one OStudent O Faculty Current Degree Bachelor of Science Expected Graduated Date Sough: Degree Master of Science Have questions Find answers in our frequently asked question: For questions not covered in our FAQ please cc Academic Initiative Agreement The purpose of this IBM Academic Initiative agreement ("Agreement") is to make available certain software, resources, cloud services for educational and non-commercial research only to qualifying students, employees or contractors with educational institutions, or Learning providers. As an authorized representative, you accept the terms of this Agreement by completing the registration process at This Agreement and any IBM License agreements or any other agreements under which EligibLe Resources are made available are the com pLete agreement between you and IBM regarding the use of those Eligible Resources. This Agreement replaces any prior oral or written communications between you and IBM regarding this offering. If there is a conflict between any of the terms of other applicable Licenses and agreements and those otthis Agreement, the terms of this Agreement prevail to the extent that the terms conflict. Definitions Institution: an accredited publicLy- or privately-tunded educationaL institution approved by IBM to participate in this offering. Qualifications for approval are listed at the following web site: Registered Educator: a member of an Institution's teaching or research staff who has registered, with the authorization of their Institution, to participate in this offering. Department Computer Science Please click on the links to read and accept the program agreement and privacy statement I Agree tothe Academic Initiatives Terms of Service 4 I Agree to the Privacy Consent Enroll me in the IBM Badge program. What is this? No Contact IBM Privacy Terms of use Accessibility Cookie preferences Academic Initiatives Privacy Consent The IBM University Awards Privacy Statement applies to IBM Global University Programs Awards. The below statement should be considered in addition to the IBM Online Privacy Statement. Personal Information 1. We coLlect your personal information for the purpose of processing a nomination for a IBM Global University Programs award. Nominations candidates may also be contacted, using the information provided in connection with a job. 2. We may combine the information we collect from you with information obtained from other sources to help us improve its overall accuracy and completeness, and to help us better evaluate your nomination for an award. 3. In addition, we may also coLlect information relating to your use of our Web sites through the use of various technologies, including cookies. Uses 1. To evaulate, review and process your nomination for an award by us or by others involved in the awards process. 2. To contact you in connection with the evaluation, review or processing of an award._ How to create your IBM ID Academic Access Management Tool Academic Access Management Tool Harness the Power of IBM Get easy no-charge access to the tools you need to develop the next great thing. Enjoy powerful technical and strategic resources from IBM. Dump right in with cloud access to powerful services and the most prominent open-source computer technologies, or take advantage of hands-on resources that will teach you about data and analytics, Internet of Things, and security. li *** **** @ p ragu e co liege, cz First name* •s Linette Last name '" •s Manuel Country or region * (?) Y< + How your data was obtained i id + How IBM uses your data ick cy + How IBM protects your data his + How long we keep your data + Your rights I acknowledge that I understand how IBM is using my Basic Personal Data and I am at least 16 years of age. čeština " přeložit zprávu IBMid Confirmalioncode Use this code to activate your IBMid 0867781 -> Copy this code, -> Return to the sign-up form, -> Paste it into the form. 1 z 10 413 < > B - O Ô E 14:25 (pFed 0 minutami) -fr Pra jazyk angličtin piek ad vypnout n Academic Access Management Tool Harness the Power of IBM Get easy no-charge access to the tools you need to develop the next great thing. Enjoy powerful technical and strategic resources from IBM. Dump right in with cloud access to powerful services and the most prominent open-source computer technologies, or take advantage of hands-on resources i nings, and se <- Back Step 2/2 Check your email For your security, we need to verify your identity. We sent a 7 -d igit code to u'******* Please enter it below. Enter 7 digit code 0867781 Didn't receive the email? Check your spam filter for an email from Your code is valid for 30 minutes. Contact IB M Privacy Terms of use Access i bi lity Congratulation You have successfully signed in with the registered IBM ID. Your ID will be used for login to IBM Academic Initiative. You will be redirected to the IBM Academic Initiative now. If are not redirected in 15 seconds click here. How to generate a feature code for the IBM Cloud ibm. biz/academic IBM Academic Initiative Technology v Resources v Harness the Power of IBM Get easy no-charge access to the tools you need to develop the next great thing. Enjoy powerful technical and strategic resources from IBM. Jump right in with cloud access to powerful services and the most prominent open-source computer technologies, or take advantage of hands-on resources that will teach y about data and analytics, Internet of Things, and security. 'OU Get access today to the same tools used in the enterprise. Register now —> Already registered? Log in -> June S, 2019 - Users may experience issues logging into the site. We apologize for the inconvenience. We are in the process of transitioning the IBM Academic Initiative to this new and improved website. This new site will aLlow faculty and students to access valuable cloud access, software, and courseware more easily and efficiently. We IBM Academic Initiate Technology v Resources v IBM Cloud Harness the Computing Get easy no-charge access I |jl llop the next great thing. Enjoy powerful technical and strategic resources from IBM. Jump right in with cloud access to powerful services and the most prominent open-source computer technologies, ortake advantage of hands-on resources that will teach y about data and analytics, Internet of Things, and security. 'OU June 8, 2019 - Users may experience issues logging into the site. We apologize for the inconvenience. We are in the process of transitioning the IBM Academic Initiative to this new and improved website. This new site will allow faculty and students to access valuable cloud access, software, and courseware more easily and efficiently. We look forward to remainingyour chosen partner in the journey to skills on emerging technologies. IBM Acadc-mií Initiative v Usí£c terns v Addil anal Rcsoorcos Support What is IBM at-, cr [BH Claud is a ML-vac* c;oud plalfofm thai spars auoLc. private amd hybrid environments. Build with a fa bust suite crl advanced dala and A] tools, am draw on deep industry OKpcrl :c- lo hrc I pi y-s u cnyaur journey to the cloud. What are the benefits of CEcud computing? The Garage practices Rixlblllly- Users aar, scale scfY»is1o h: thc-ir nocss. ■: jsloniec onn-iiritiins- nnd access cloud serviced [■an anywhere with in inlofnel connection. Efficiency - Enter pris-c Lsars can £al oralicd.1 an: :d rnj--Ht quicklv. withou: viory ig i:ou: l ndorlvir^ ii' Irastruclur= costs or rnainteränec. Strategic value - CloLd services £ vc cnLerc-nsc-s a competitive adyanlajc by arovidirj 1 nemc-:-1 innovative technology available-. The Sanecpractices are- IBM s apprcarti to enable bLnincss, rlcuciapTcr.1. and operations to co/ilinupusly desis^i, deLwer. and validate new sol unions. The practices and woriYflaws cover (he entire product lifecycle fret™ inceptan Ihrough ^»luiMia; acid responding la cmic-mcr Feedback and market changes-. The Garage practices arc- idustry-rKogn jed and represent a unique, holistic [GM peml-d-view and describes the complete c.uud van ü1 omul ion IrFecycta unlti ontiancernHoti tfiaJ support the enrlerprise at sca.e. The- c:-jL is a riethnd Ina: ii provcn. aligned tvith indusl -y ats: prazliccs. and sci.ab.c tc n; size Loam Tore IBM Cloud Lite ■Gel started For Irce an tie IBM Cloud with your Lite account. ■U- : cvd required ^Jorirne .-t Ii. Access i catalog n; Tore (nan terviccs, inclining [Bm Wat sap API s- treate yixjr IBM Cloud Lt1e Account Learn -Tare about [BMt^oud Lilt Explore- 1-ioliM Cloud Catalog —> "Solution Tutorials —^ Documcnl atian ■Support -> IBM ciauu Fpatu e coco enhanced ,iccc-:3 :o Ihc ]&M lie cloi.d p.atlor rhat cHcrs a ciic-?ce ní scalable a-nd ILcKiblc resources in consistent OKnorieico. Sniping lodetincr APFs JEM Clc-ud offers a ridi and con!inuously craning coasys1em zf services to aocoleralo Ihc pace oF innovat >plyan EBM t.oud Feature Cnde —> Solution Tutorials Suapor: -J IBM Cloud Lite Get started for free on the IBM Cloud with your Lite account. No credit card required. No time limits. Access a catalog of more than 40 services, inctuding IBM Watson APIs. Create your IBM Learn more about IBM Explore the IBM Cloud Solution Tutorials Documentation -> Support -> Your IBM Cloud Promo Code is: 68b4f40436ca934caccadfe75e00848c IBM Cloud Feature Code Get enhanced access to the IBM Cloud the cloud platform that offers a choice of scalable and flexible resources in one consistent experience. Bringing together APIs and services, IBM Cloud offers a rich and ------~i-------^ding ecosystem of services to of innovation. ^ CLoud Feature Code -> ...your feature code will be sent you via mail as well. How to create IBM Cloud account IBM Cloud Already have an IBM Cloud account? Log in Create an account 1. Account information Email Password 2. Verify email 3. Personal information create account © Copyright IBM Corp. 2014. 2020. All rights reserved. Build for free on IBM Cloud Develop for free, no credit card required Apps, AI, analytics, and more. Build with 40+ Lite plan services at no cost to you - ever. Access the full catalog at your fingertips Upgrade youraccount and unlock over 200 unique products, plus get a S200 credit to use with any product you want. Lear More-. How to use a feature code Log into your Cloud account Copyright IBM Carp. 2G14,2020. A.IL rights reserved. — IBM Cloud Search resources and offerings... Q Catalog Docs Support Manage ^ Linette Manuel's Account \£ ^ Dashboard customize^ Create resource Resource summary View resources PlJ Billing, and usage Access (IAM) View events What is a resource? Regions tor resource deployment Best practices for organizing resources in resource group_ View a summary of resources in your account here. Create Q Next event: Wed, 10 Jul 2019 01;00 Update the Kubernetes version Upcoming Migrate the data storage tor the Natural Language Classif L Update the Watson Assistant tooling user interface Apply improvements to the infrastructure tot virtual mac... Location status View status Asia Pacific © Europe © North America Apps Support cases View support Yoj can view your apps here after you create them. Learn more about how to get started. South America https;//c loud You can view a summary of your support cases here after vou submit them. Learn more about how to get support. — IBM Cloud Search resources and offerings.., Q Catalog Docs Support Manage v Li nette Manuel's Account _* ^ ''c" Account Overview Account resources Best practices Resource groups Cloud Foundry orgs Tags Audit log Account settings Notifications Company contacts Company profile Subscription and feature codes Subscription codes add platform and support credit for your purchased subscriptions. Feature codes unlock additional IBM Cloud capabilities for your account. Each code can be applied only once. Apply code EU Supported: Off If you select the EU Supported option, the most common support issues will be limited to an IBM Cloud team located in the European Union. On Learn moro HIPAA Supported: Off The US Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requires that you enter into a contract to ensure safeguarding of protected health information (PHI), Paste your feature code generated in Academic Initiative portal ____u:i:*:__tr. Apply a code 6 Bb4f40436ca93 4caccad f e7 5 c 0 0 843c The code w\ 11 be applied to the account: Linette Manuel's Account Cancel 1 Apply 1 ■ Jrl.T. VaJI Apply a code Enter a code to apply subscription credit or extra capabilities to your account You can apply each code to only one IBM Cloud account, and the code cannot be removed after it's applied. codes add platform and support credit for your purchased t. Fel 1 CO ] Apply a code The following changes were applied to the account, Linette Manuel's Account. Dill the IBM m ml • Converted Lite accou nt to trial account. • Updated Cloud Foundry org quota to 2GB. Enter another code 1 Close 1 — IBM Cloud Search resources and offerings... Q Catalog Docs Support Manage v Linette Manuel's Account ET o n •P< Account Overview Account resources Best practices Resource groups Cloud Foundry orgs Tags Audit log Account settings Notifications Company contacts Company profile Subscription and feature codes Subscription codes add platform and support credit for your purchased subscriptions. Feature codes unlock additional IBM Cloud capabilities for your account. Each code can be applied only once. Apply code EU Supported: Off I CODE DESCRIPTION STATUS CREATION DATE 68 b4f40436c a934caccadf e 75eOGB48c 20190510 IBM Cloud Promo Code Students 1 Of 3 Applied 2019-5-10 You can learn here if your promo code is active If you seLect the EU Supported option, the most common support issues will be limited to an IBM Cloud team located in the European Union. On Learn more — IBM Cloud Search resources and offerings.., Q Catalog Docs Support Manage v Li nette Manuel's Account & ,2, 'A1 Account Overview Account resources Best practices Resource groups Cloud Foundry orgs Tags Audit log Account settings Notifications Company contacts Company profile Account settings Account Linette Manuel's Account ID:e69072c50c2442b2ba78a87a0b2718da Account Type Trial (Free) 175 days remaining in Trial Find here how long is your account valid (always until 31.12. or 30.6.) Build at no cost for the duration of the trial. Your apps will stop at the end of the trial unless you upgrade your account. Account upgrade 1-2 weeks before a validity of your prom code ends, please do not forget to generate a new code and Pay-As-You-Go Add your credit card to unlock the full power of IBM Cloud with a Pay-As-You-Go account. You' still be eligible for free runtime and service allowances, and you'll be charged only for paid services that you use. renew your access -Subscription- Need help? Get discounted pricing and increased billing predictability when you commit to a set amount of usage overtime. Contact sales Upgrade < What if your code expires and you didn't make to renew it? Upgrade To Reactivate Your Account Your account has expired or been canceled. To continue using IBM Cloud, provide your billing information. This will unlock the lull power of IBM Cloud with a Pay-As-You-Go account including Infrastructure, Applications, and Services. You'll still be eligible forfree runtime and service allowances, and you'll only be charged for paid resources that you use. For more information on billing and other upgrade details, see Upgrading and unifying IBM Cloud and SoftLaver billing accounts. If you've received a code to enable a subscription or extend vour trial, enter it in the Feature Code section ofyoi. ■ Billing Page. Billing Information (•) Company Account Q Personal Account First Name Jan Address Line 1 Last Name Louda Enter street address, PO Box Address Line 2 [optional) Enter apartment, suite, unit, building, or floor Country/Region Czech Republic -w You will end up on this page. If you close the box you will be signed off. Click on the link on the left and sign in the code in regards to the description above. If you read that your account has been deactivated then you have to re-activate it via IBM Cloud support. Account settings TJ This account Is deactivated. X Reactivate this account by adding a credit card or subscription code. Account Link for a support https://watson.service-now.eom/x ibmwc open case!/create Fill in an email address (that you use for your IBM Cloud account) Problem summary: Need to activate account in order to apply feature code Problem description: My account has been deactivated before I could apply Academic initiative Feature code. Pis. Re-activate the account so that I can apply my feature code.