Obsah obrázku text, hodiny Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Smart Service Leonard Walletzký PA181 Services - Systems, Modelling and Execution "A Smart City is a city well performing built on the ‘smart’ combination of endowments and activities of self-decisive, independent and aware citizens.” Giffinger et al. 2007 “Smart city is defined by IBM as the use of information and communication technology to sense, analyze and integrate the key information of core systems in running cities.” IBM “Smart City is the product of Digital City combined with the Internet of Things.” Su et al. 2011 “Concept of a Smart City where citizens, objects, utilities, etc., connect in a seamless manner using ubiquitous technologies, so as to significantly enhance the living experience in 21st century urban environments.” Northstream ... Smart Service and Smart City Obsah obrázku interiér, světlo Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Smart Service How can the data help in multicontextual view? First we need to explore data management of the cities Main insights Carayannis, Elias & Giudice, Manlio & Saviano, Marialuisa & Caputo, Francesco. (2018). Beyond Big Data: From smart to wise knowledge management. 4C model decision in condition of chaos/complexity is made on the basis of what the decision maker ‘feels’ to do: essentially, he/she decides guided by his/her emotions and strong beliefs not by the information collected and processed as in problem solving contexts. What can we learn? Interpretation schemas taxonomy of knowledge management approaches Conclusions Obsah obrázku interiér, světlo Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Examples of data portals ̶Brno - https://data.brno.cz/en/ ̶Prague – http://opendata.praha.eu/ ̶European Data portal - https://www.europeandataportal.eu/en ̶Rome - https://dati.comune.roma.it/ ̶Naples - http://www.comune.napoli.it/opendata Obsah obrázku text, místnost, podepsat, herna Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Important project info qThe project consists of two parts: demo and report q If the project is done by a group of students, in your project report, please write down who did what. q The demo should be developed and deployed on IBM Bluemix platform (IBM Cloud) q The demo should be functioning, and we can try the demo. Obsah obrázku interiér, světlo Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Structure of the project report Example project 1 Example project 2 Obsah obrázku interiér, světlo Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Snapshots Example ̶ You could also include application Snapshots to the report ̶The dates will be announced this week: ̶ ̶One date for earlier closing (state exam) – please, notify me if you belong to this group – end of May / beginning of June ̶ ̶The second date for others – second half of June IBM Presentations