Semestral Project PA193 – Secure Coding Principles and Practices Spring 2022 Introduction • Team of three people • Programming language of your choice • Four phases (~3 weeks each) • Up to 30 points awarded – Bonus points possible for exceptional contribution • Questions – Anytime by email: – Consultation possible upon request Project phases • Phase I – deadline 2nd week – Form teams of 3 people – Setup GitHub repository and prepare a project with test vectors • Phase II – deadline 5th week – Setup automatic testing and commit signing – Start implementation – Report (3-4 A4) • Phase III – deadline 9th week – Finalize the implementation and release the final build – Recording and live presentation of your project (5-7 minutes) • Phase IV – deadline 13th week – Analyze project of another group – Final presentation at the last lecture (10 minutes) Bech32m encoding • Encoding using only 32 alphanumeric characters with efficient error detection and correction – Letters can be in upper or lower case, but lower case is preferred – Similar letters avoided (e.g., i and j) – Easy to read out loud – Easy to implement – Alphabet size of prime power is suitable for error-detecting codes – Error correction is possible – Efficiently encodable in QR codes in “alphanumeric mode” • Bech32m has been designed as a replacement of base58 encoding, previously used in Bitcoin Bech32m encoding tool • Implement tool for bech32m encoding and decoding – – • Provide command-line interface for: – Encoding of arbitrary input to bech32m – Decoding of bech32m – Choosing of input/output format (base64/hex/binary) – Selecting input from cli-argument, file, or stdin (default) – Selecting output to file, or stdout (default) • In case of erroneous decoding suggest the closest valid input – (Bech32m supports error correction) • Focus on security of your implementation – Proper error handling – Secure handling of user-provided input Phase I • Form teams of 3 people • Agree on your programming language: – C, Python, Rust, C++, Haskell, Go, … – The language must be unique per seminar group • Prepare your project on GitHub – Create a GitHub repository – Agree on a unique name – Prepare an empty project with test vectors from bech32m specification • Write an email to containing: – Team member names – Selected programming language – Link to GitHub repository (add dufkan as reader if it is a private repository) • Deadline Monday 21. 2. 2022 16:00 Phase II • Configure Github Actions to run tests automatically • Start digitally signing your commits • Start the implementation – You can use only standard library – By the end of this phase, you should have: • Basic encoding/decoding functionality passing test vectors. • No need to provide user interface yet. • Prepare 3-4 A4 report – Project design – Current progress – Encountered obstacles • Deadline Monday 14. 3. 2022 16:00 Phase III • Finalize the implementation – Try to identify any vulnerabilities with analysis tools – Release the final binary build with a digital signature (GPG) • Prepare and record a presentation of your project (5-7 minutes) – Structure of the project – Encountered obstacles and solutions – Used analysis tools – How can the tool be used • (Quick guide for the other team in Phase IV) • Discussion of the presentation • Assignment of other team projects for the next phase • Deadline Monday 11. 4. 2022 16:00 Phase IV – Review setup # Create review branch without code git checkout -b review git rm -r --cached . git commit -m "Create review branch" git push --set-upstream origin review # Create branch for pull request into the review branch git checkout -b review_code git add . git commit -m "Add review code" git push --set-upstream origin review_code Phase IV – Review setup • Create pull request from review_code to review branch • Review team will comment in the pull request (give them access) Phase IV • Analyze implementation of other team (assigned on seminars) – Static analysis (at least 1 tool) – Dynamic analysis (at least 1 tool) – Fuzzing (at least 1 tool) – Dependency checking, … (use at least 5 tools in total) • Provide comments on code in GitHub review branch – Use conventional comments: • Prepare pull request with a fix of at least 1 discovered issue • Prepare presentation for the last lecture (10 minutes) – Used analysis tools – Discovered issues, code quality – Fixes (+ screenshot of pull request) • Deadline Monday 9. 5. 2022 16:00