- What are the base kinematic characteristics? What is the difference between kinematic and steering (dynamic) movement algorithms?
- How do we update the position?
- What is the goal of seeking? How is the kinematic seek implemented?
- What is the difference between seek, flee, and arrival?
- How is the kinematic arrival implemented?
- What is wandering? How is the kinematic wandering implemented?
- What are the characteristics of the dynamic movement? What is the goal of matching?
- How is the dynamic position update implemented?
- How is the (dynamic) seek implemented?
- Compare the base differences in implementations of dynamic behaviors seek, flee, and arrival
- How is the (dynamic) arrival implemented?
- What is the goal of alignment?
- What is the goal of velocity matching? How is it implemented?
- Do you know how the pursue behavior can improve over seek?
- Describe the implementation of the pursue behavior.
- Describe the face behavior and its implementation.
- Describe "looking where you're going" behavior and its implementation.
- How can we improve over kinematic wandering?
Artificial Intelligence for Computer Games
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Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.