Modern Markup Languages and Their Application


During this course, most of your obtainable points will come from your continuous activities during the semester. This includes your work on the iterations and your team effort in creating a team project.

Up to 33 points from iterations (for completing assignments of the semestral project with the best effort and clean code).

Up to 42 points for your team project (for creating a complex solution, dividing work, and collaborating with others).

Up to 25 points for exams (the final ROPOT contains all the topics from the semester)

The evaluation was changed after last year's feedback from 20-40-40.

Bonus points

There is a possible award of bonus points over the limit for outstanding solutions and interesting ideas.




There is only one type of exam, ROPOT (Odpovědník) in the Information System. The ROPOT will test your gained knowledge from the course. We will publish the exact organizational details before the first exam date. Students can also test their knowledge in small voluntary ROPOTs, which are highly recommended for testing knowledge and thus preparing for the final exam.

The exam will be held online via IS. There will be also a Zoom link enclosed to each exam slot - you need to be present at the Zoom call for the duration of the exam.

The exam ROPOT will be available to you for 30 minutes exactly. Please, make sure to start on time, the ROPOT will close at the same time for all of you. 

The ROPOT consists of 25 questions that are either single or multiple choice. Each question is worth 1 point. Questions cover all topics discussed during the semester except GraphQL. Questions of type "multiple choice" will be evaluated based on "exact-fit", which means that you receive a point if and only if you select exactly the correct answers (not more, not less). Otherwise, you receive zero points - there will be no penalty for an incorrect answer.

You can take the exam up to three times, not more. You don't receive an F grade if you choose to retake the exam. However, only the last result will be taken into final evaluation, even if it is worse than your previous try.