Open Source Development Course Lifecycle of open source contribution, project management Vojtˇech Trefn´y 16. 3. 2022 ɭ Open source contribution lifecycle Contribution lifecycle 1. Issue Reporting your own bug or RFE or picking an existing issue to work on. 2. Fork Getting the code to work in your own “workspace”. 3. Development The easy part :-) 4. Tests CI test results and/or manual testing. 5. Code review Code review by the maintainer and making changes. 6. Rebase & merge Adjust to the current master and merging the changes. 1 / 34 Disclaimer • These topics are usually different for each project, always check contributor guidelines for specific use cases and workflows. • This part of the lecture is highly based on GitHub workflow. It applies to similar services like GitLab as well, but projects that don’t use these “advanced” code hosting services and rely mostly on emails and mailing list are very different. 2 / 34 Issue trackers • Code hosting services like GitHub and GitLab offer integrated issues trackers. • Some projects use separate tools like Bugzilla or JIRA for tracking bugs and RFEs. • Issues allow you to discuss the bug/feature with other developers and users. • Starting with an issue or bug report is not necessary but not doing that increases the risk of your contribution being ignored or rejected. 3 / 34 GitHub Issues • GitHub helps first-time contributors to discover good first issues to help the project with. 4 / 34 GitHub Issues → • Do not forget to assign the issue to yourself to let others know you are working on it. 5 / 34 Fork • A fork is your own “copy” of the upstream repository. • On GitHub (and similar sites) having a fork is needed to be able to open a pull request later. → → 6 / 34 Fork • It’s a good practice to clone the upstream repository and add your fork as a second remote. • This will help you when rebasing to the latest upstream version. $ git remote -v origin (fetch) origin (push) vtrefny_GH (fetch) vtrefny_GH (push) 7 / 34 Pull request • After committing your changes, simply push them to your fork and open a pull request (in GitLab terminology a merge request) using the link provided by the git push hook. $ git push vtrefny_GH master_my-feature ... remote: remote: Create a pull request for ’master_my-feature’ on GitHub by visiting: remote: remote: To * [new branch] master_my-feature -> master_my-feature 8 / 34 Pull request 9 / 34 Automated tests • If the project has CI configured, automated tests will run on your PR. • Multiple different tests and checks, including static analysis and builds, may be applied. • Some projects can reject or ignore PRs with failing tests. • More about tests and CI next week. 10 / 34 Code review • During code review, other project contributors and maintainers will review your changes to either approve or reject them or request changes. • When changes are requested you can either change the existing commits or add fix commits that will be squashed later. • At least one approve review from a project maintainer is usually needed for the change to be merged. • For more complicated changes, long back and forth reviews with multiple discussions are not uncommon. 11 / 34 Code review 12 / 34 Rebase & merge • If the CI and review phases take a long time, merge conflicts can occur, especially in more active projects. • git can solve some conflicts automatically, but you might need to resolve some manually. • Pull requests with conflicts cannot be merged. 13 / 34 Release • After the contribution is merged, it should be included in the next release. • Depending on project release schedule and development state, this might happen immediately or take few weeks or months. • At some stages, projects might not accept other contributions than bug fixes and new features might be accepted only for development branches/releases or not at all. 14 / 34 Release life cycle 1. Planning Gathering use cases. Product and objectives definition. 2. Pre-Alpha Early development, usually not meant for public. 3. Alpha/Beta Pre-releases for testing purposes and early adopters. 4. Release candidate (RC) Candidate for the stable release. 5. Stable release Stable release targeted for end-users. 6. Mature project/Maintenance Maintenance and bug fixing. EOL or continuous development. 15 / 34 Fedora release cycle Rawhide starts Fedora Linux 37 development 2022-02-08 Proposal submission deadline (System Wide Changes) 2022-06-28 Proposal submission deadline (Self Contained Changes) 2022-07-19 Completion deadline (testable) 2022-08-09 Branch Fedora Linux 37 from Rawhide 2022-08-09 Change Checkpoint: 100 % Code Complete Deadline 2022-08-23 Beta Release 2022-09-13 Final Freeze 2022-10-04 Final 2022-10-18 Rawhide starts Fedora Linux 38 development 2022-08-09 Fedora Linux 37 EOL 2023-11-14 16 / 34 Fedora release cycle Planning Rawhide starts Fedora Linux 37 development 2022-02-08 Proposal submission deadline (System Wide Changes) 2022-06-28 Proposal submission deadline (Self Contained Changes) 2022-07-19 Pre-alpha Completion deadline (testable) 2022-08-09 Branch Fedora Linux 37 from Rawhide 2022-08-09 Alpha/Beta Change Checkpoint: 100 % Code Complete Deadline 2022-08-23 Beta Release 2022-09-13 RC Final Freeze 2022-10-04 Stable release Final 2022-10-18 Maintenance Rawhide starts Fedora Linux 38 development 2022-08-09 Fedora Linux 37 EOL 2023-11-14 17 / 34 Software dependencies Software dependencies • Using existing libraries and tools can save a lot of time when building a new project. • Managing third party dependencies can be tricky, but when done properly, it’s better and safer than writing code from scratch. • When working with dependencies it’s crucial to make sure your • code is up to date, • system is secure, • service/project works as intended. 18 / 34 Types of dependencies Direct dependencies Libraries that your code directly depends upon. These require some effort to control but are sort of manageable. Transitive dependencies Dependencies of the dependencies. Usually quite hard to control. Third party dependencies A special kind. These are the dependencies that you don’t own and that are not part of your organization. 19 / 34 Transitive dependencies pocketlint - polib [Any] - pylint [Any] - astroid [>=2.5.1,<2.6] - lazy-object-proxy [>=1.4.0] - wrapt [>=1.11,<1.13] - isort [>=4.2.5,<6] - mccabe [>=0.6,<0.7] - toml [>=0.7.1] 20 / 34 Dependency management • Dependencies are usually managed using a project or language-specific tool which takes care of resolving and pulling in third-party dependencies, including transitive dependencies. • Dependencies can be downloaded during the build (for build and built-in dependencies) or project or service installation or deployment. • Dependencies can be available either in a public or project-specific repository. • Some dependency management can also detect required dependencies from the code. 21 / 34 Package repositories • Different package repositories exist for different programming languages or frameworks: • Python Package Index (PyPI) for Python with pip tool.1 • Rust crate registry for Rust with cargo tool.2 • Node Package Manager (NPM) with npm tool.3 1 2 3 22 / 34 PyPI setup( name=’pocketlint’, version=’0.20’, description=’Support for running ... url=’ install_requires=[’pylint’, ’polib’], ... ) 23 / 34 PyPI $ pip install pocketlint Collecting pocketlint Using cached pocketlint-0.20-py3-none-any.whl (32 kB) Collecting pylint Using cached pylint-2.7.2-py3-none-any.whl (342 kB) Collecting polib Using cached polib-1.1.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (25 kB) ... Collecting astroid<2.6,>=2.5.1 Using cached astroid-2.5.1-py3-none-any.whl (222 kB) Collecting wrapt<1.13,>=1.11 Using cached wrapt-1.12.1.tar.gz (27 kB) Collecting lazy-object-proxy>=1.4.0 Using cached lazy_object_proxy-1.5.2-cp39-cp39-manylinux1_x86_64.whl (53 kB) Installing collected packages: mccabe, isort, toml, wrapt, lazy-object-proxy, astroid, pylint, polib, pocketlint 24 / 34 What could go wrong? Missing package that “broke” the Internet In 2016 Azer Ko¸culu unpublished more than 250 of his packages from NPM, including a very popular left-pad package which many big JavaScript projects (including React) depended on.4 5 4 5 25 / 34 What could go wrong? Security vulnerabilities (CVE) Old versions of dependencies with unfixed vulnerabilities. Version conflicts Circular dependencies and dependency hell. Missing/removed dependency Packages removed from repositories. API/ABI changes New versions with backwards-incompatible changes. Broken third-party dependencies Bugs in code that is not under your control. License conflicts Incompatible open source licenses. 26 / 34 Version conflicts • Two or more packages depending on the same package but a different version. • Unsolvable if multiple versions of the same package cannot be installed together. • Sometimes referred to as “dependency hell” (especially in relation to distributions and solving of dependencies during package installation or upgrade). 27 / 34 API/ABI stability • Backward incompatible changes should happen only in major versions. • Keeping compatibility with multiple API versions require additional code and tests. • For compiled languages with dynamic libraries, ABI stability is also crucial. Rebuilding the entire project because of a single dependency ABI change might not be possible. 28 / 34 CVEs • Both security vulnerabilities and “normal” bugs in dependencies can easily compromise your application. • Recent bugs like Heartbleed6in OpenSSL showed that many essential opensource libraries are understaffed and have many unfixed vulnerabilities. • Bundled dependencies needs to be closely monitored for CVEs and quickly updated. 6 29 / 34 Log4Shell • Security vulnerability (remote code execution) in Log4j, Java logging framework, discovered in November 2021 (disclosed in December). 7 8 • Affected many projects including AWS, Cloudflare and iCloud. Up to 93 % of cloud environments were affected. • Similarly to Heartbleed, Log4Shell again draw attention to open source projects that are heavily depended on but not properly staffed and financed.9 • Log4Shell being a way smaller project than OpenSSL and often being bundled in biggers project also showed how hard is to track and manage dependencies. 7 8 9 30 / 34 Dead and abandoned projects • Especially smaller projects can very quickly become unmaintained or abandoned. • Upstream source can be even completely lost after service or domain expiration. • Upstream can move to a different fork or cease to exist without replacement. • For actively maintained projects, older stable versions can be abandoned long before your product EOL. 31 / 34 License compatibility • Not all free and/or opensource licenses are compatible. • Some licenses require the result to be released under the “stronger” license. • Different rules might apply for different types of dependencies – copying code vs. linking vs. calling. • More about licenses in the Open source licenses lecture. 32 / 34 License compatibility 33 / 34 Questions Questions Thank you for your attention. 34 / 34