Application integration with SOA and ROA PV207 – Business Process Management Spring 2021 Jiří Kolář, Lukáš Smiga, Lubomír Hruban Last lecture recap ● Processes ○ What is business process? Last lecture recap ● Processes ○ What is business process? ○ What is BPM? Is a Management discipline, focused on systematic definition and execution measurement of processes in organizations ● An effort to describe processes in organisation measure results and manage process changes towards higher efficiency ● "Evolution not Revolution" Business Process Management 4 Last lecture recap ● Processes ○ What is business process? ○ What is BPM? ○ What is BPM adoption? Last lecture recap ● Processes ○ What is business process? ○ What is BPM? ○ What is BPM adoption? ○ Why BPM ? ○ Roles in BPM ○ Process life-cycle ○ Phases of process based development ● BPMS ○ BPMS components ○ Architecture ○ Human Tasks ○ Business Rules ○ BAM ○ Existing BPMS Lecture summary ● Generations of EAI ● Motivation for SOA ● Role BPM in IT management ● Core BPM architecture ● BPM – SOA relationship ● Microservices ● Web Services ○ What are WS? ○ Artifacts WS ■ WSDL ■ SOAP ○ WS - standards ● WS in Java ● REST 3 meanings of the word "service" ● …. 3 meanings of the word "service" ● "Business" service ○ Google offers paid advertising to restaurants ○ Defined by contract / service offering 3 meanings of the word "service" ● "Business" service ○ Google offers paid advertising to restaurants ○ Defined by contract / service offering ● "Technical" service ○ Google provides a search for addresses of restaurants in neighbourhood ○ Defined by a User Interface / Programming interface 3 meanings of the word "service" ● "Business" service ○ Google offers paid advertising to restaurants ○ Defined by contract / service offering ● "Technical" service ○ Google provides a search for addresses of restaurants in neighbourhood ○ Defined by a User Interface / Programming interface ● Web Service ○ Google provides Web Service API for retrieving GPS coordinates of particular address ○ Defined by a WSDL/REST methods definition ○ Request - response model Business & IT alignment Enterprise Application Integration Why application integration? ● Allow different applications to share data and processes states. ● In BPMS systems we use the Service Task to directly invoke some functionality. Services Examples (IT/Web) ● …. Services Examples (IT/Web) ● createUserProfile ● setUserStatus ● searchFlights ● returnAccountBallance ● …. EAI Generations – spaghetti Different communication protocols and principles: ● File exchange ● DB access ● MQ messaging ● CORBA ● Web Services ● Proprietary connectors EAI Generations – SOA Registry, metrics, governance, security, quality... EAI Generations – SOA and ESB Business & IT alignment SOA motivation ● Reduction of costs on development and integration ● Efficient maintenance and integration across various systems ● Component/service reusability ● Integration of Legacy applications ● Efficient management and monitoring ● Just-in-time management (real time business) SOA definition Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is an architectural style that supports service-orientation. Service-orientation is a way of thinking in terms of services and service-based development and the outcomes of services. -- The Open Group ● BPM stands between IT and business ○ BPM reflects business needs ○ BPM orchestrates IT services ○ SOA is about these services How is BPM and SOA related? SOA Architecture composition layer base layer common µs µs µs µs µs µs Service exposure Internal Services/Data-Sources External Services (e.g Partners) µsµs Caching Routing Data transformation Event triggers Content Enrichment µs µs µs µs Data Virtualization API policies Versioning External Entities (apps, partners, ...) Integration layer 24 BPM and SOA Relationship SOA in Practice, , Nicolai M. Josuttis SOA – Maturity Model Sonic Software Corporation, AmberPoint Inc., 2005 SOA Governance ● Service definition ● Service deployment life cycle ● Service versioning ● Service migration ● Service registries ● Service message model ● Service monitoring ● Service ownership ● Service testing ● Service security IBM Software Group SOA – Methodologies ● SOA methodologies ○ IBM SOAD (Proprietary) ○ IBM SOMA (Proprietary) ○ SOA RQ (Proprietary) ○ CBDI-SAE ○ SOAF ● SOMA ○ Service-oriented modeling and architecture --Ali Arsanjani, Chief Architect, SOA and Web services Center of Excellence, IBM, Software Group EAI Generations – MSA / ROA MSA – Microservices Architecture Breaking monolithic application structure into set of discrete services (IT/web). ● ROA – Resource oriented Architecture (Inter-)networking application resources accessible through RESTful webservices. ● 80596529260/ch04.html EAI Generations – MSA / ROA + SOA Business & IT alignment Monolith Model – View – Controller Pros of monolithic architecture Pros ● natural evolution of system without restriction ● everything is accessible from one place ● does not push to automate infrastructure, deployment and testing Cons of monolithic architecture Cons ● large codebase ● deploy takes too long ● one fix means deploy the whole system and test everything ● hard to scale just single part of the system ● one failure usually equals downtime of the whole system ● team has to understand everything Microservices Pros of microservice architecture Pros ● deploy of single service is easy ● scaling a service is possible ● one team is responsible for single service ● service can be created or changed in short amount of time ● slowdown or downtime of a service does not block the whole system ● services can be aligned to support new business needs in short amount of time ● APIs have to be defined Cons of microservice architecture Cons ● deployment and versioning is complex ● more automation and DevOps knowledge is needed ● Architecture, technology and performance overhead ● team does not have to know other parts of the whole system, only their services and related APIs ● no one know how the whole system works if business processes are not documented/automated ● tooling for API design and management are often necessary Questions? Break 10mins SOA in practice: ESB – Enterprise Service Bus ● Based on message queuing and routing, often combined w Enterprise Integration Patterns (see below) ● Protocol conversion ● Security, reliability, auditability… 3 meanings of word "service" ● "Business" service ○ Restaurant owner can register his restaurant to Google database and be shown in Google Maps ○ Defined by contract / service offering ● "Technical" service ○ Users can search for their favourite restaurant in Google Maps ○ User interface for "Human task" ● Web Service ○ Google provide Web Service API for retrieving location of certain address ○ WSDL interface definition ○ Request - response model Web Service ● Service for message transport and remote procedure calls ● Messages are transported in XML format ● Transport protocol is HTTP/HTTPS (mostly) ● Web service define: ○ Operations (method) a and their parameters ○ Return types WSDL WSDL (Web Service Description Language) ○ Describes basic interface of the service ○ Methods ○ Parameters and their types ○ Return values ○ Specify where is WS available ■ Protocol (HTTP/HTTPS/SMTP) ■ Port (:1666) ■ machine ( ■ URL ( Service) WSDL example Operace jePrvocislo() Sluzba pocitajici prvocisla SOAP ● Protocol for transfer of XML messages ● Used for communication between service and its consumer (client) ● Common use of HTTP/HTTPS as a transport protocol ● Request – Response communication model SOAP example POST / HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: 423 Connection: close SOAPAction: "" 1987 HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: 468 Connection: close true WS - Standards WS-Policy WS-Security family of specifications WS-Reliable Messaging UDDI Quality of Service Messaging and Encoding Transport Business Processes Other protocols Other services Business Process Execution Language, BPMN Description and Discovery WSDL SOAP, SOAP Attachments XML, XML Infoset Transports WS-Coordination WS-Transactions Web Services in Java WS in Java - Server ● JAX-WS ● JAXB ● WS-Metadata ● REST WS in Java - Client ● JAX-WS ● JAXB ● WS-Metadata ● REST RESTful Web Service Representational State Transfer ○ Uniform resource interface (a set of constraints) ○ Client-server separation ○ Stateless ○ Cacheable resources ○ Layered system ○ Code on demand (optional – JavaScript) RESTful Web Service RESTful Web Services characteristics: ● HTTP/HTTPS protocols: ○ Using URI for resource identification ○ Only POST, GET, PUT & DELETE (CRUD)verbs (or only others from HTTP specification) ○ HTTP Status Codes as flow control ○ XML, JSON, YAML text formats as resources representations ● OpenAPI (swagger), RAML, API Blueprint, WADL, HAL specification formats and tools REST example curl -i -X POST "http://localhost:3000/api/personal/users/4c617f2b-2bad-498b-a9c6-4e9a8c303798/bookmarks" -H "accept: */*" -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJ...." -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"name\":......,\"public\":true,\"lastAccessedAt\":\"2020-03-06T20:14:28.101Z\",\"likeCount\":0}" HTTP/1.1 201 Created X-Powered-By: Express Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST, GET, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, OPTIONS Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-Type, Authorization, Location Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Content-Type, Authorization, Location Location: http://localhost:3000/api/personal/users/4c617f2b-2bad-498b-a9c6-4e9a8c303798/bookmarks/5e62b18b59770b5 487a4c741 Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: 79 ETag: W/"4f-26GcBfsvgN8d+T+zqql3Y5R+Rl8" Date: Fri, 06 Mar 2020 20:24:44 GMT Connection: keep-alive {"response":"Bookmark created for userId 4c617f2b-2bad-498b-a9c6-4e9a8c303798"} WS Standards ● JAX-WS (JSR-224) ● JAX-RS (JSR-311) ● Apache Axis, Axis2 ● Apache CXF ● Jersey ● Spring Boot MSA framework Other options EIP as microservices Enterprise Integration Patterns ● Based on traditional concept of asynchronous Message Queuing and Routing ● Application data is sent as messages that can be acted upon being sent through route, i.e. data can be aggregated, enriched, translated… ● Popular OSS software Apache Camel (Java) ● atterns/messaging/index.html Enterprise Integration Patterns EIP layer Project service implementation tips Mock your webservice ● Use existing public APIs: ○ SOAP ○ REST ● Use mocking framework ○ I.e. Mockito for Java ○ Online service i.e. Implement your web service Spring Boot REST Example @RestController public class HelloBootController { @GetMapping("/whereami") public String whereami(@Value("${message.prefix}") String prefix) { String resp = String.format("%s from %s", prefix, System.getenv().getOrDefault("HOSTNAME", "localhost")); return resp; } } ● There are many frameworks available for popular modern development platforms…. ● If you implement your own microservices (not-trivial with some db backend), you can receive some bonus help for final evaluation :-) Web Service tutorials ● Web Services ○ ● REST ○ ● NetBeans Trail ○ SOA - Information Resources ● SOA in Practice, Nicolai M. Josuttis, 2007, ISBN-13: 978-0596529550 ● IBM Systems Journal, Volume 47, Number 3, 2008 FIN Questions? PV207 – Business Process Management Spring 2019