Borrowing Books in LibraryLibrarySystem Orderingsystem Ordering system Available books Choosing books Are any books choosen? Check if there are any already borrowed books overdue Was payment sucessful? Payment for membership Cancelation of borrowing process Does reader have any overdue books? Validity membership check Is membership valid at least for 30 days? Librarian Librarian Prepare books for picking up Send message books are ready Checking ID of reader Reader has his books Order is canceled Submission of books to reader Available books Create order Reader Bank System Elena Kubalíková, 415144 Library Readers Database Description: The process represents ordering books at the library. The reader asks to create an order. He chooses available titles from available books (library fund). When he selects the books, the system checks to see if the reader has any overdue books. If a reader has some overdue books, he cannot create a new book order. The system further checks whether the reader has a valid membership. The membership must be valid for another 30 days from the date of borrowing books. Payment is in progress, membership is re-verified if successful. If payment does not pass, the order is being closed. After membership verification, an order is created. The librarian will then prepare the books for picking up. The reader receives a message notification when his books are ready. When taking books, the reader is asked to prove his identity with an identity card; if he proves, he will receive the books. If it is not proven, the order will be cancelled. bookselecton No Yes No No Yes Notifyingbooksareready Readercomestopickuphisbooks requestforbooks Request for borrowing books Valid Invalid requestforcheckingreader recievinganswer Yes Yes No chosen books are not more available for others Verifying Payment Payment Response Better naming: Check overdue borrowed books It is better for readability if activities have same size -1 missing types of tasks Missing name on event It seems that user is requesting twice the same thing. Missing message to reader -1 not L1 element and not consistent with other messages Missing condition on gateway (Is valid? Yes/No) -0.5 this is the same outcome as Cancelation of borrowing process Total result: 5.5 out of 8